English Vocabulary Quiz - 18 September 2015

English Vocabulary Quiz for today :-

vocabulary quiz
1. Dilatory
a) cautious
b) expanding
c) time wasting
d) skillful

2. Dissolution
a) debauchery
b) becoming liquid
c) illusion
d) lack of a plan

3. Arch
a) broken
b) awe inspiring
c) odd
d) teasing

4. Hagiographic
a) ugly
b) overly complex
c) picturesque
d) idealizing a subject

5. Foment
a) make smaller
b) become angry
c) make unusable
d) stir up, agitate

6. Spurn
a) prohibit
b) rotate
c) judge unfairly
d) reject with contempt

7. Intransigent
a) unemotional
b) stubborn
c) not moving
d) internal

8. Arrant
a) wandering
b) incomplete
c) untrue
d) utter

9. Innocuous
a) harmless
b) causing pain
c) ignorant
d) destructive

10. Temperance
a) impoliteness
b) moderation
c) anger
d) stubbornness

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