West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) has been conducting a common entrance examination (WBJEE) for admission to undergraduate courses in Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture in Universities, Govt. Colleges, and Self-Financed Institutes in the state.
The revised edition of ‘West Bengal Entrance Examination 2022 Solved Papers (2021-2012)’ is a complete practice capsule that is designed as per the latest prescribed exam pattern. As the title suggest the book contains Last 11 Previous Years’ Solved Paper 2021-2012 giving insights of the questions types, patterns and weightage that have been asked in the examination. Solutions to each question are completely authentic and well explained in every section Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics facilitating easy learning. Also, 5 Practice Sets are provided in the last for the quick revision of the paper.
Highlights Of The Book:
- Complete collection of all questions asked in last 10 Years.
- Chapterwise and topicwise solved papers.
- Covers all chapters.
- Best WB JEE PYQ book ever.
- 5 Practice sets included.
- Authentic and explanatory solutions of each question.
- As per latest pattern and syllabus.
WB JEE Previous Years Solved Papers
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