Proc.Rc.105 and Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation – Implementation of Examination reforms- CCE Latest guidelines

A.P Govt. has released proceedings Rc No 105 regarding guidelines and reforms of CCE pattern of examination system along with G.O.Ms.No.80 dt 25-10-2017. As per this Latest Proc.Rc.105 and G.O.Ms.No.80 Latest guidelines and reforms in CCE pattern of examination system were as follows.

Latest guidelines and reforms in CCE pattern of examination system

  1. In this connection all the District Educational Officers are informed that instead of three Summative Assessments only two Assessments will be conducted from this academic year. 
  2. SA-1 examination which was conducted in the month of September was cancelled due to leakage of Question papers. 
  3. As per the Reference -5 cited above Summative Assessment –I is going to conduct in the month of December in place of Summative Assessment-II as mentioned in Academic calendar. SA-I examination will be conducted for class VIII and IX in OMR enabled MCQ type and Class VI,VII and X in regular type. 
  4. SA-I examination is scheduled from 13-12-2017 to 20-12-2017. In this connection All the DEos are informed to conduct HMs meeting to provide awareness on new pattern of examinations and also instruct them to practice their students about OMR bubbling in their schools.

Guide lines relating G.O.Ms.No.80 dt 25-10-2017

Government of Andhra Pradesh issued Amendments orders to G.O.Ms.No 82,29 and 41 relating to CCE. In this connection SCERT issuing the following guidelines regarding syllabus, examination and grading procedures.

CCE Examination Pattern :

  1. The amendments are effect from current academic year i.e 2017-18
  2. There are Four Formative Assessments and Two Summative Assessments in the Academic Year.
  3. No change in schedule and Pattern of Four Formative Assessments. ( will be conducted fro 50 marks with in 4 areas namely Children participation and reflections, Project works, Written works, Slip test )
  4. There are Two Summative Assessments ( SA-I, SA-II )in a Academic Year.
  5. SA-I will be in the 1st  or 2nd week of November 
  6. SA-II will be conducted in the month of March/April
  7. SA- II for class – X is the Pre Final examination, this will be conducted in the month of March.
  8. SA- II for class – VI to IX will be conducted in the month of  April.
  9. SA- I for class – VIII and IX is OMR enabled Objective type assessment from this academic year.
  10. SA- I  for class – VI  to  IX is OMR enabled Objective type assessment from the academic year 2018-19 .
  11. This Academic year SA-I examination is scheduled from 13-12-2017 to 20-12- 2017

Syllabus as per new guidelines of CCE Exam pattern  :

Syllabus for Summative Examinations is up to October for the class VI to X in all Subjects as mentioned in the text books.
SA-I examination will be conducted  on June to November Syllabus For this Academic Year only.

Grading calculation in new CCE Reforms and Exam Pattern :

Summative Assessment will be conducted for 80 marks only.
Internal Assessment  marks will be calculated from  Four  Formatives and  One Summative i.e SA-I.
20% internal marks will be calculated from 280 marks (Four  Formatives and  One Summative i.e SA-I. (4 x 50 = 200 + 1x 80 = 80 totally 280 marks)
Grade will be given on 8 point scale.

Verification committee :

District Educational Officer should constitute a three man committee for verification and certification of internal marks for the students studying class –X
Mandal Level Verification Committee may includes MEO, School complex HM, Senior Head Master.
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