A.P Rc No 1519-Guidelines for the Maintenance of School Toilets cleanly in Government Schools

A.P Govt has issued R.C No 1519 recently.As per this Rc No 1519 they mentioned Guidelines for the Maintenance of School Toilets cleanly in Government Schools.

Guidelines for the Maintenance of School Toilets.

The concerned Head Master is responsible for monitoring the cleanliness of toilet in the school even though the toilets are being maintained by SEEP employees! Employees through MGNREGS funds Employees provided by PSUs. etc., Head Masters shall maintain attendance for sanitary worker and ensure that the toilets are cleaned daily. 

The sanitary worker should be under the control of the concerned Head Master. Payment should be made based on the certificate of the concerned Head Master regarding attendance and satisfactory performance of the Sanitary worker outsourced by the SEEP. 

The Sanitary worker shall be responsible for cleaning both girls and boys toilets in their respective schools. 

In respect of exclusive Girls schools. only Female sanitary worker should be engaged. 

The bucket. mug and consumables like Broomstick. Bleaching powder, etc are required for cleaning the toilet. The bucket and mug are durable and have to be 

replenished when ever required by the Organizations which are maintaining the toilets. 

The cleaning materials shall be procured by the concerned SEEP authorities and other Organizations concerned and shall ensure proper stocking and issue of the materials. 

The MEG should cover all the schools in their respective jurisdiction atleast once in a month and confirm that the toilets are maintained cleanly and satisfactorily. The Project OEicer should conduct a review meeting with school Head Masters 

every month on the cleanliness of school toilets and shall submit a report on the maintenance of toilets in the Government Schools. 

The Project Officers shall release the amounts only when the toilets are maintained satisfactorily by the SEEP.

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