1. In which area does the Sabarmati rise?
(a) The Satpuras 
(b) The Vindhyas
(c) The Western Ghats 
(d) Aravallis

2. Which area in India gets the summer monsoon first?
(a) The Himalayas 
(b) The Eastern Ghats
(c) The Western Ghats 
(d) Indo-Gangetic Plain

3. Which one of the following joins the Ganga from the south?
(a) Gomti 
(b) Gandak
(c) Teesta 
(d) Sone

4. Which one is a land locked state?
(a) Bihar 
(b) West Bengal
(c) Andhra Pradesh 
(d) Gujarat

5. Of which major river system does Teesta forms a major part?
(a) Ganga 
(b) Brahmaputra
(c) Godavari 
(d) Indus

6. During the period of South-west monsoon , Tamil Nadu remains dry because:
(a) the winds do not reach this area
(b) there are no mountains in this area
(c) it lies in the rain shadow area 
(d) the temperatureis too high to let the winds cool down

7. Which river flows between the Satpuras and the Vindhyas?
(a) Godavari 
(b) Narmada
(c) Tapti 
(d) Gandak

8. Rajastan receives very little rain because:
(a) It is too hot
(b) There is no water available and thus winds remain dry
(c) the monsoon fail to reach this area
(d) the winds do not come across any barrier to cause the necessary uplift to cool the winds

9. The Aravallis fail to cause orographic precipitation in Rajastan beacuse:
(a) they are not sufficiently high
(b) the monssons do not reach them
(c) they lie parallel to the direction of the winds
(d) they do not support any vegetation

10. When are temperatures the highest in Southern India?
(a) June 
(b) April
(c) July 
(d) August

11. Which is the southernmost unit of India?
(a) Kanyakumari 
(b) Lakshadweep
(c) Great Nicobar 
(d) Rameswaram

12. From which river has the Rajastan Canal (IndiraGandhi Canal) been taken out?
(a) Chambal 
(b) Ravi
(c) Beas 
(d) Sutlej

13. Which area in India receives least rain fall?
(a) Leh 
(b) Western Ghats
(c) Eastern Rajastan 
(d) Western Tamil Nadu

14. Which river has been harnessed under the Bhakra Nangal Project?
(a) Ganga 
(b) Sutlej
(c) Chenab 
(d) Ravi

15. Which of the following places receives maximum solar energy in December?
(a) Kolkata 
(b) Amritsir
(c) Delhi 
(d) Chennai

16. Which part of the country receives precipitation from the Bay of Bengal branch of the monsoons as well as the Arabian Sea branch?
(a) West Bengal 
(b) The Punjab plains
(c) Maharashtra 
(d) Bihar plateau

17. The maximum daily range of temperature can be observed at:
(a) Chennai 
(b) Thiruvananthapuram
(c) Delhi 
(d) Mumbai

18. Where are tea and coffee both grown?
(a) North West India 
(b) North East India
(c) Central India 
(d) Southern India

19. In which state is the Dhuvaran Thermal Power station is located?
(a) Madhya Pradesh 
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Gujarat 
(d) Andhra Pradesh

20. If the time of sunrise in Arunachal Pradesh is 6.00a.m, what will be the probable time of sun rise in Saurashtra?
(a) 6.30 am 
(b) 7.00 am 
(c) 8.00 am 
(d) 5.30 am

1 (d) 2(c) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5(b) 6(c) 7(b) 8(d) 9(c) 10(b) 11(c) 12(d) 13(c) 14(b) 15(d) 16(b) 17(c) 18(d) 19(c) 20(c)
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