Competence: सक्षम
Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully; capable, able
Example: This court is not competent to hear and decide this matter.
Example: This court is not competent to hear and decide this matter.
Hostage: बंधक
A person seized or held as security for the fulfilment of a condition; captive, prisoner, detainee, internee
Example: They were held hostage by armed rebels.
Example: They were held hostage by armed rebels.
Contingent: आकस्मिक
Subject to chance; accidental, chance, unforeseen, unexpected
Example: They had to plan for contingent expenses.
Example: They had to plan for contingent expenses.
Pertinent: प्रासंगिक/उपयुक्त
Relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite, to the point, suitable, appropriate
Example: The teacher asked the students to ask pertinent questions.
Example: The teacher asked the students to ask pertinent questions.
Sterling: उत्कृष्ट
(Of a person or their work or qualities) excellent or valuable; excellent, first-rate, outstanding, exceptional
Example: This organization does sterling work for youngsters.
Example: This organization does sterling work for youngsters.
Grudge: देने में हिचकिचाना
Be resentfully unwilling to give or allow (something)
Example: She grudged in lending her notes to her classmates.
Example: She grudged in lending her notes to her classmates.
Genealogy: वंशावली
A line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor; pedigree, ancestry, descent, lineage
Example: Man is said to be the genealogy of monkey.
Example: Man is said to be the genealogy of monkey.
Acquisition: प्राप्ति
The buying or obtaining of assets or objects; obtaining, acquiring, gaining, procuring
Example: Acquisition of language is innate in a child.
Example: Acquisition of language is innate in a child.
Assimilation: आत्मसात
The absorption and integration of people, ideas, or culture into a wider society or culture
Example: Assimilation of the concepts is important for students.
Example: Assimilation of the concepts is important for students.
Defiance: अवज्ञा
Open resistance; bold disobedience
Example: The staff is on strike in defiance of the late payment of bonus.
Example: The staff is on strike in defiance of the late payment of bonus.
Snarl: कर्कश स्वर में बोलना
(Of a person) say something in an angry, bad-tempered voice; bark, snap, growl, fling, hurl
Example: I used to snarl at anyone I disliked.
Example: I used to snarl at anyone I disliked.
Escalation: वृद्धि
A rapid increase; a rise, hike, advance
Example: Eating of very salty food caused an escalation in his blood pressure.
Example: Eating of very salty food caused an escalation in his blood pressure.
Tarmac: पक्की सड़क
Material used for surfacing roads or other outdoor areas, consisting of broken stone mixed with tar
Example: A tarmac road.
Example: A tarmac road.
Squat: पालथी मारना
Crouch or sit with one's knees bent and one's heels close to or touching one's buttocks or the back of one's thighs
Example: I squatted down in front of him.
Example: I squatted down in front of him.
Ominous: अपशगुन
Giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly inauspicious, menacing
Example: Those black clouds are a bit ominous.
Example: Those black clouds are a bit ominous.
Doctrine: सिद्धांत
a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group; creed, credo
Example: President Barack Obama opened up about his so-called "Obama Doctrine," the overarching principle that guides his foreign policy.
Example: President Barack Obama opened up about his so-called "Obama Doctrine," the overarching principle that guides his foreign policy.
Rogue: आवारा/बदमाश
A dishonest or unprincipled man; scoundrel, villain, reprobate
Example: Stop terrorism, India and Afghanistan told rogue neighbour Pakistan.
Example: Stop terrorism, India and Afghanistan told rogue neighbour Pakistan.
Revisionist: संशोधनवादी
A supporter of a policy of revision or modification
Example: The revisionists who sought to replace it were long denied.
Example: The revisionists who sought to replace it were long denied.
Complicate: उलझाना
Make (something) more complicated; make complex
Example: There was a new development that complicated the matter.
Example: There was a new development that complicated the matter.
Pushback: पीछे धकेलना
A negative or unfavourable reaction or response
Example: We got some pushback on the new pricing.
Example: We got some pushback on the new pricing.