1: Eked out
Meaning: to make (a supply) last, to add to (something insufficient), esp with effortExample: GM Harika eked out a draw against GM Stupak Kirill from Belarus
Many workers can only eke out their redundancy money for about 10 weeks.
2: Signed off
Meaning: To announce the end of a communication; conclude.Example: Vishwanathan Anand signed off with a loss, that resulted in Sergey Karjakin’s lone victory, and finished tied eighth with Garry Kasparov
3: Bring up the rear
Meaning: to move along behind everyone else; to be at the end of the line.
Example: Having brought up the rear in the 10 player event, Anand and Kasparov will be keen to gain ground when the action shifts to 18 round blitz.
Example: Having brought up the rear in the 10 player event, Anand and kasporav will be keen to gain ground when the action shifts to 18 round blitz.
Example: When the National Anthem played, Rashmi Rathore put up a brave front. she’d just received the mixed doubles skeet gold medal with Mairaj Ahmed Khan in the Asian shotgun shooting championship at Astana, Kazakhstan.
Example: Ceremony over, she deserted the podium, heading for the closest corner. Pent-up grief gave way to a torrent of tears.
Example: We’ve just got a few loose ends to tie up and then the report will be ready.
Example: NPA resolution would necessitate a higher recapitalization of these banks “ MR.PATEL said “the government and the RBI are in dialogue to prepare a set of measures to enable state-run banks to shore up the requisite capital in a time-bound
Example: Just a year after Rio hosted the Olympics, its crime rate has spiralled out of control, and its top politicians have landed in jail cells for corruption
Example: Rio’s poor have been bearing the brunt of gang wars for decades. But in the year since the 2016 Games, robberies, murders, kidnappings and gun battles have spilled over onto the streets.
Example: The troops may stay over till 2018 if their guns fail to cut down the surging violence
Example: As the world is hooked on the Game of Thrones season seven, Pakistan continues to experience its own power games, which have been playing out, in one way or the other, since the early 1950s.
Example: the Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA) is set to take off soon, with the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) asking Centrally funded higher education institutions to send their project proposals to be financed by the agency
Example: Her remarks came hard on the heels of a statement by the President.
Example: Having brought up the rear in the 10 player event, Anand and Kasparov will be keen to gain ground when the action shifts to 18 round blitz.
4: Gain ground
Meaning: to become more successful, popular, or acceptedExample: Having brought up the rear in the 10 player event, Anand and kasporav will be keen to gain ground when the action shifts to 18 round blitz.
5: Put up a brave front
Meaning: to act confidently in a difficult situationExample: When the National Anthem played, Rashmi Rathore put up a brave front. she’d just received the mixed doubles skeet gold medal with Mairaj Ahmed Khan in the Asian shotgun shooting championship at Astana, Kazakhstan.
6: Pent-up
Meaning: unable to be expressed or released, closely confined or held back.Example: Ceremony over, she deserted the podium, heading for the closest corner. Pent-up grief gave way to a torrent of tears.
7: Tie up (the) loose ends
Meaning: to deal with the last few things that have to be done before you can finish somethingExample: We’ve just got a few loose ends to tie up and then the report will be ready.
8: Shore up
Meaning: to support or helpExample: NPA resolution would necessitate a higher recapitalization of these banks “ MR.PATEL said “the government and the RBI are in dialogue to prepare a set of measures to enable state-run banks to shore up the requisite capital in a time-bound
9: Run out
Meaning:be used up.Example: Just a year after Rio hosted the Olympics, its crime rate has spiralled out of control, and its top politicians have landed in jail cells for corruption
10: Spilled over
Meaning: reach a point at which it can no longer be controlled or contained, to spread to other areasExample: Rio’s poor have been bearing the brunt of gang wars for decades. But in the year since the 2016 Games, robberies, murders, kidnappings and gun battles have spilled over onto the streets.
11: Cut down
Meaning: reduce, do less of something badExample: The troops may stay over till 2018 if their guns fail to cut down the surging violence
12: Playing out
Meaning: happen, take place, develop in a particular wayExample: As the world is hooked on the Game of Thrones season seven, Pakistan continues to experience its own power games, which have been playing out, in one way or the other, since the early 1950s.
13: To take off
Meaning: To embark on rapid activity, development, or growth, to beginExample: the Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA) is set to take off soon, with the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) asking Centrally funded higher education institutions to send their project proposals to be financed by the agency
14. Close on the heels
Meaning: happening soon after another event, following close behind someone or somethingExample: Her remarks came hard on the heels of a statement by the President.