English Quiz From The Hindu: Part 3

Direction (1-5): The following questions have five sentences(A-E) as options. You have to find one sentence which does not relate to the central theme made by remaining four sentences.

Question 1.

(A). They affirm that it is due to the interplay of chemical reactions, electron spins and the magnetic fields present.
(B). Thus, understanding the avian compass is a lesson in quantum biology. This may be of use, one day, in engineering quantum computers.
(C). While there have been theories about the way migratory birds navigate across the earth, these have not be placed on a firm footing.
(D). Now, a group from IIT Bombay has tied this theory with observed features of the birds’ biological compass to get a clear picture of how it works.
(E). The backwaters of the Tungabhadra dam in Hagari Bommanahalli taluk of Ballari district have become a haven for migratory birds as also a popular destination for bird watchers during winter.
(i) A
(ii) B
(iii) C
(iv) D
(v) E

Question 2.

(A). That vitamin C, an anti-oxidant agent, boosts and strengthens immunity(very important for TB patients) is well known.
(B). It is that time of the year when most people have cough and running nose. But the most commonly prescribed pill for these, vitamin C, is hard to find in the market now.
(C). Now, a study by a team of researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru has found the molecular mechanism by which vitamin C impedes and even kills Mycobacterium smegmatis, a non-pathogenic bacterium that belongs to the same genus as the TB-causing mycobacteria.
(D). Its ability to speed-up recovery from tuberculosis and impede the TB causing bacteria from causing disease, and even kill the bacteria in culture at high concentration are also known.
(E). The results were published in the journal FEMS Microbiology Letters.
(i) A
(ii) B
(iii) C
(iv) D
(v) E

Question 3.

(A). The real reason for Titanic’s tragic sinking that claimed over 1,500 lives in 1912 was a fire in the ocean liner’s boiler room and not simply a collision with a giant iceberg, a new documentary has claimed.
(B). Mabel Bennett, wearing a nightdress, grabbed the full length coat for protection from the harsh elements of the North Atlantic as a lifeboat arrived to rescue her.
(C). She survived, and died in 1974 aged 96. Bennett had given the coat to a great niece in the 1960s.
(D). The coat has been on display until recently in the United States where it was shown in a recreation of a Titanic first-class stateroom.
(E). Auctioneer Andrew Aldridge described the garment as one of the most visual items to go on sale in recent years.
(i) A
(ii) B
(iii) C
(iv) D
(v) E

Question 4.

(A). The spread of influenza virus declines when the temperature shoots up.
(B). Since its first appearance in 2009-2010, influenza A H1N1 has come to stay and has become a part of the seasonal flu virus;
(C). But this year, despite the summer temperature crossing 40 degrees Celsius in some parts of the country, the number of H1N1 cases and occasional deaths have not stopped.
(D). Even as there has been no let-up in the cases of swine flu being reported from across the country, Union Health Ministry officials on Thursday confirmed that the H1N1 virus that causes the flu has not mutated and it is possible to cure it with the available medicine.
(E). H3N2 and Influenza B are the other two to become the seasonal flu in India.
(i) A
(ii) B
(iii) C
(iv) D
(v) E

Question 5.

(A). Chief Justice of India J.S. Khehar favoured keeping the government away from the arbitration process to help promote confidence of the business community in international arbitration available here.
(B). Speaking at the inaugural session of the two-day ‘Engaging Asia Arbitration Summit,’ he said: “At the highest level of planning in Indian government, efforts are going on to ensure that neither the government nor its agencies will have any interference with the arbitration process."
(C). Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) is an international mechanism for arbitration.
(D). He hoped that the Narendra Modi government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative would give a fillip to International Commercial Arbitration (ICA) in the country.
(E). Lauding the efforts of the judiciary and the government to encourage arbitration in India, Justice Khehar said the Supreme Court also adopted the consistent practice of providing arbitrators from a neutral country.
(i) A
(ii) B
(iii) C
(iv) D
(v) E


Question 1.

Answer Key: (v) E
Option (v) E is about the Tungabhadra dam which is a famous place for migratory birds whereas all other options are about the scientific study done by IIT Bombay students on migratory birds.

Question 2.

Answer Key: (ii) B
Option (ii) is on vitamin C as cure for cough and running nose. But all other options are explaining the effects of TB patients and the molecular mechanism by which vitamin C(as find by IISc).

Question 3.

Answer Key: (i) A
Option (i) A is explaining the real reason behind the sinking of Titanic Ship. And all other options are discussing Mabel Bennett's(a titanic survivor) Fur coat which is auctioned recently.

Question 4.

Answer Key: (iv) D
In Option (iv) D, Union Health Ministry officials are refusing any possibility of mutation of H1N1 Virus whereas all other options are explaining the reasons behind the Spreading of H1N1 virus at a particular time, every year.

Question 5.

Answer Key: (iii) C
Option (iii) C is telling about ISDS mechanism. And all other options are about the statement of CJI on 'arbitration process ' which would help 'Make in India' Mission.
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