Botany Questions And Answers For PSC Exam 2016


1. The tendency of plants to grow towards light:
(a) Geotropism 
(b) Phototropism
(c) Chemotropism 
(d) None of these

2. The reproductory organ of Plants:
(a) Root 
(b) Leaf
(c) Stem 
(d) Flower

3. The pigment imparts yellow colour to flowers:
(a) Xanthophyll 
(b) Anthocyanin
(c) Betacyanin 
(d) Haemoglobin

4. Hormone that helps for flowering in plants:
(a) Auxin 
(b) Cytokine
(c) Ethylene 
(d) Florigin

5. Who discovered cell?
(a) Robert Hook 
(b) JC Bose
(c) Galeileo 
(d) None of these

6. The plant cell wall is made up of:
(a) Chitin 
(b) Cellulose
(c) Keratin 
(d) Fibrin

7. Who discovered that plant body is made up of cells?
(a) M.J.Shleiden 
(b) Theodore Swan
(c) Robert Hook 
(d) None of these

8. What is known as the power house of the cell?
(a) Ribosome 
(b) Lysosome
(c) Mitochondria 
(d) Nucleus

9. The colour of chloroplast:
(a) Red 
(b) White 
(c) Blue 
(d) Green

10. The metal present in chlorophyll:
(a) Calcium 
(b) Zinc
(c) Magnisium 
(d) Potassium

11. The tendency of plants to grow towards the direction of gravitational force:
(a) Geotropism 
(b) Phototropism
(c) Chemotropism 
(d) None of these

12. The rate of photosynthesis is highest in ..... light:
(a) Yellow 
(b) Blue
(c) Green 
(d) Red

13. The rate of photosynthesis is slowest in ..... light:
(a) Yellow 
(b) Green
(c) Blue 
(d) Red

14. Who discovered that animal body is made up of cells?
(a) M.J.Schleiden 
(b) Theodore Schwan
(c) Robert Hook 
(d) None of these

15. The hormone that is helpful for ripening of fruits:
(a) Auxin 
(b) Cytokine
(c) Ethylene 
(d) Florigin

16. Who proved that plants are living organisms?
(a) JC Bose 
(b) M.J.Schleiden
(c) Robert Hook 
(d) Theodore Schwan

17. The crop that depends rain for pollination:
(a) Pepper 
(b) Cardomom
(c) Paddy 
(d) Wheat

18. The organelle responsible for the maintenance of
the structure of cell?
(a) Nucleus 
(b) Endoplasmicreticulum
(c) Mitochondria 
(d) Vacoule

19. What are known as the ‘suicidal bags of the cell’?
(a) Mitochondria 
(b) Vacoule
(c) Nucleus 
(d) Lysosome

20. The plant with only one leaf:
(a) Colocasia 
(b) Amorphophalus
(c) Plantain 
(d) Vanda

1 (b) 2(d) 3 (a) 4 (d) 5(a) 6(b) 7(a) 8(c) 9(d) 10(c) 11(a) 12(b) 13(b) 14(b) 15(c) 16(a) 17(a) 18(b) 19(d) 20(b)
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