201. Indian Legislature was made bicameral for the first time in through: Govt. of India Act,1919
202. After the June 3rd plan of Lord Mountbatten, The Constituent Assembly of Pakistan metat:
203. The Act which introduced diarchy or dual government for the first time: Govt. of IndiaAct, 1919
204. The Act which introduced federal structure for India for the first time? Govt. of IndiaAct, 1935
205. The administrative reform that introduced the element of direct election for the first time:
Indian Council Act, 1909
206. The British crown assumed soveregnty over India from East India Company, through the
......: Govt of India Act, 1858
207. The Constituent Assembly approved the Constitution on- 26th November 1949
208. The constituent assembly was elected indirectly by......... - The members of the
Provincial legislative assembly
209. The Constituent Assembly was formed after the proposals of: Cabinet Mission
210. After the partition, the membership of the Constituent Assembly was reduced to: 299
211. How many members represented the provinces in the Constituent Assembly? 229
212. Indian Councils Act 1909 was also known as: Minto-Morley Reforms
213. Indian politics was brought under the influence of the British Parliament for the first time through: The Regulating Act, 1773
214. Minto-Morley Reforms were introduced in:1909
215. Most of the Constitution of India has beenerected on the debris of: Govt. of India Act,
216. Official language is mentioned in Part .....of the Constitution: Part XVII
217. On 13 December, 1946, who moved the Objectives Resolution in the Constituent
Assembly? Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
218. The Act which ended the diarchy in provinces and granted autonomy: Govt. of
India Act, 1935
219. The Constituent Assembly was formed on......., 1946: December 6
220. The first Act passed by the British Parliament for the administration of India:
The Regulating Act, 1773
221. The first attempt to introduce representative and popular element was: Minto-Morley
222. The last Act passed by the British Parliament in respect of the administration
of India. Indian Independence Act
223. The reform which introduced the element of election in indirect manner for the first
time: Indian Council Act, 1892
224. The shortest Act passed by the British Parliament in respect of the administration
of India. Indian Independence Act
225. Under which Act Burma (Myanmar) was separated from British India? Govt. of India
Act, 1935
226. What was also known as Montague-Chelmsford Reforms? Govt. of India Act,
227. Which Act by the British Parliament made provisions for appointment of a Governor General for the administration of the areas under the East India Company? The
Regulating Act, 1773
228. Which Act envisaged provisions for theestablishment of a federal court for India?
Govt. of India Act, 1935
229. Which Act provided separate electorate for muslim community for the first time? IndianCouncil Act, 1909
230. Which Act redesignated the Governor General of Bengal as the Governor Generalof India? Charter Act, 1833
231. The number of elected members in LokSabha at present: 543
232. The number of indirectly elected members to the Rajya Sabha from states: 229
233. The number of indirectly elected members to the Rajya Sabha from Union Territories:
234. The number of schedules in the Constitution of India when it was brought into force in
1950: Eight
235. The number of sessions of Lok Sabha take place in a year: 3
236. The Parliament building of India wasdesigned by: Edwin Lutuens and Herbert
237. The Parliament of India consists of: LokSabha, Rajya Sabha, President
238. The quorum of for the meeting of eitherhouse of Parliament: 1/10
239. The structure of the Parliament building ofIndia: Circular
240. The total membership of the ConstituentAssembly of undivided India was : 389
241. The total number of elected members inParliament at present: 776
242. Who was elected as the permanent chairman of the Constituent Assembly on11th December, 1946? Rajendraprasad
243. According to the Constitution the maximum limit of the number of members can beelected from States: 530
244. According to the Constitution the maximum limit of the number of members can be elected from Union Territoties: 20
245. Advisory Committee on FundamentalRights, Minorities was headed by: Sardar
246. Anti defection law was included in the .....Schedule of the Constitution:
247. As per constitutional provisions the maximum number of members in Parliamentis limited as:
248. Directive Principles are included in Part......of the Constitution:
Part IV
249. Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee washeaded by:
JB Kripalani
250. In which Part of the Constitution Fundamental Duties are included?
Part IVA
251. In which part of the ConstitutionFundamental Rights are included?
Part III
252. Lok Sabha is also known as:
House ofPeople
253. Name the Union Territories that arerepresented in Rajya Sabha: Delhi and