Data Sufficiency Test for SBI PO Exam

data sufficiency

Directions :

Each question given below is followed by two statements I and II.

Give a   if the question can be answered by using statement (I) alone, but not statement (II) alone.
Give b   If the question can be answered by using statement (II) alone, but not statement (I) alone.
Give c   if the question can be answered by using both statement (I) and (II) together, but neither statement alone.
Give d   if the question can be answered by using either statement alone.
Give e   if the  question cannot be answered even by  using both statement (I) and (II) together.

Ques 1.

What is the numerical value of x² ?
(I) x = 5
II. x + y = 18
Ans Statement I alone answer the question
statement II alone does not answer the question  for the value of Y is not known.
Hence, the choice is a.

Ques 2.

For which of the cars A and B , is the reduction in the price, the maximum ?
I. The price of car A is reduced buy 5%
II. The price of car B is reduced buy 15%
Ans . The reduction in the price is dependent on the price of the car as well as the percentage reduction. As the prices of the cars are not known, the question cannot be answered .
Hence, the choice is e.

Ques 3.

What is the production of widget of type 1 his month ?
The total production of widget of type 1 and type 2 is 20,000.
I. If the production of type 1 widget is increased by 10% and the production of type 2 widget is decreased by 6% total widget production remains the same .
II. The production of type 1 widget production of type of type 2 widget
Ans . Let the production of widget of type 1 be x.
. . production of type 2 widget is 20,000 - x 
Statement I :  110x/100 + 94 ( 20,000-x)/100 = 20,000. It is a linear education which can  be solved for x
Statement II :  x = 2 ( 20,000-x). This equation can be solved for x.
Thus, the question can be answered using either statement alone.
Hence, the choice is d.

Ques 4.

P + q is odd.Is P even ?
I. Q is even
II. p + q is not greater than 14.
Ans 4.   (a)

Ques 5.

Is x > y ?
I. x2 > y2
II. x - y > 0
Ans 5. (b)

Ques 6.

If a, b and c integers, is ( a - b + c) greater than ( a +b -c) ?
I. b is negative
II. C is positive
Ans 6.  (c)

Ques 7.

If a and b are both positive numbers, then which is larger, 2a or 3b ?
I a is greater than 2b
II. a is greater than or equal to b + 3.
Ans 7. (a)
 Hint : a  and b are + ve.
Statement I : a > 2b
=> 2a > 2b or  2a  > 4b
Statement II :  a > b + 3
Let b =1 and a = 4
Let b = 6 and a = 9
Now, 29  , 36

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