Banking Awareness Quiz (Part 2) : For SBI Clerk Mains

Ques 1.
When does a Savings  Bank account becomes dormant : 
If there is no transaction  for a period of 12 months.
(b) if there is no withdrawal for a period of 12 months
(c) if there is no withdrawal for a period of 6 months
(d) if there is no credit for a period of 12 months

Ques 2.
The word " At Sight " and "After Sight" in a bill of Exchange refers to :
(a) both mean on demand
(b)  both mean after acceptance
(c) " at sight " means on demand  and " after sight" means after acceptance
(d) None of the above

Ques 3.
A lien is the right to :
(a) Sell the goods or securities if the dept or loan is not repaid by the borrower
(b)  retain goods or securities belonging to a debtor until he has discharged  a debt to the retainer there of
(c) dispose of the goods or securities in case of default on the part of the borrower
(d) None of the above

Ques 4.
A bank reconciliation statement is prepared with the help of :
(a) bank pass book and  bank column of cash book
(b) Bank pass book and cash column of cash book
(c) bank pass book and petty cash book
(d) All of the above

Ques 5.
The main purpose of preparing a bank reconciliation Statement is :
(a) to know the Cash book Balance
(b) to know  the pass book Balance
(c) to compare the transactions in the Cash book and pass Book
(d) To correct the cash book
(e) to reconcile Balance as per Cash Book with the Pass book Balance

Ques 6.
The goods in the Consumer Protection Act, includes :
(a) Every kind of movable property except money
(b) actionable claims , stocks and shares
(c) growing crops and things attached to or forming a part of the land.
(d)  All of the above

Ques 7.
Under the Basel-II Accord capital requirement for credit risk can be calculated :
(a) Standardised manner which is  based on external credit rating assessment
(b) Internal  rating system for credit risk
(c)  Both A and B
(d) None of the above

Ques 8.
The features of Standardized credit rating approach are :
(a) The risk can be measured in standardised manner based on external credit assessment
(b) The risk wrights  are inversely related to the rating of counterparty
(c) Lower the rating , higher the risk
(d) All of the above

Ques 9.
The Objective of cash management is to :
(a) Reduce bank overdraft
(b) Minimise cost of borrowings
(c) earn maximum interest income
(d) Maintain cash at optimum levels

Ques 10.
The term " working Capital Cycle ' refers to :
(a) Money invested in current assets
(b) rotation of money invested in working capital
(c) the periodic increase or decrease in the requirement of working capital funds
(d) conversion of cash of the business again into cash through the stages of inventory and receivables

Ques 11.
A reduction of Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) will result in:
(a) increase in lendable resource of banks
(b) will not  impact the level of bank credit
(c) Increase in bank credit
(d) decrease in bank credit

Ques 12.
A self help Group may become eiligible for bank loan and subsidy :
(a) after First Grading
(b) after Second Grading
(c) soon after the registration
(d) 6 months after opening of Savings Bank account

Ques 13.
A time barred debt can be revived by obtaining :
(a) A letter of undertaking to pay the time barred debt
(b) time -barred debt cannot be revived
(c) a back - dated Revival Letter
(d) Revival Savings of the farmer

Ques 14.
An asset will be immediately categorized as loss Asset, when the realizable value is :
(a) more than 15 per cent
(b) less than 10 per cent
(c) 10 per cent or more
(d) None of these

Ques 15.
Bank guarantee is a :
(a) Demand Liability 
(b) Contingent Liability 
(c) Term Liability
(d) None of these

Ques 16.
Bank Holidays under Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 are declared by :
(a) State Government for the respective State
(b) Banking Operations Department
(c) Central Government
(d) RBI 

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