Most Confusing GK Pointers - Part 3

gk pointers


  • Ire - Americans One of the 5 largest Lake . 
  • Iri - Type of a silk . 


  • Rhine River - A river in Germany 
  • Rome River - A River in Switzerland.


  • Indravati River - A river in Jharkhand .
  • Iravati River - A river in Mayanmaar .


  • Doda - Jammu & Kashmir 
  • Doda Beta - Highest peak in Nilgiri Hills ( Tamil Nadu )
  • Dodo - A type of Bird .
  • Dodoma - Capital of Tenzania .


  • First Capital of Karnataka - Bangalore .
  • Second Capital of Karnataka - Belgaum 


  • Ganga Flows through - 5 States 
  • Ram Ganga Flows From - UP


  • Ganga of South - Godawari 
  • Old Ganga - Godawari 


  • Constituent assembly Drafted by - B.N.Rao 
  • President of Constituent assembly during  Drafting - B.R.Ambedkar 


  • Colombia - A latin american country 
  • Colombia - A State of America  . 


  • No of Constitutional Rights (Initially)- 7 
  • No of  Constitutional Rights ( At Present ) - 6 


  • No of Fundamental Duties ( Initially ) - 10
  • No. of Fundamental Duties ( After 86th amendment 2002 ) - 11 


  • Retirement Age of Supreme Court Judge - 65 
  • Retirement Age of High  Court Judge - 62 


  • Sericulture - Culturing of Silk 
  • Silli-culture - Related to forest & forest protection . 


  • Capital of Sudan - Khartoon 
  • Capital of South Sudan - Juva .


  • First capital of South Africa - Cape town .
  • Second Capital of South Africa - Pritotiya .  


  • Poo Nadi ( River Poo ) - A River in Italy . 
  • Limpopo Nadi ( River Limpopo ) - A River in South Africa . 
Read Part I and Part II of GK Pointers

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