Direction Sense Test : Questions for LIC AAO exam

1. Ashu travelled from his post straight for 400 meters. He then turned left and travelled 500 meters straight after which he turned left again and travelled for 400 meters straight. He then turned right and walked for another 600 meters straight. How far is he from the post ?
  (a) 1.0 km
  (b) 1.1 km
  (c) 1.4 km
  (d) 1.8 km
  (e) None of these

2. Starting from a point, Kunal walked 12 meters towards North, he turned right and walked 10 meters, he again turned right and walked 12 meters, then he turned left and walked 5 meters. How far is he now and in which direction from the starting point ?
    (a) 27 meters towards East
    (b) 5 meters towards East
    (c) 10 meters towards West
    (d) 15 meters towards East

3. I go 10 m to the East, then I turn left and go 5 m, I turn left again and go 10 m and then again I turn left and go 10 m. In which direction am I from the starting point ?
    (a) East
    (b) West
    (c) North
    (d) South

4. Rahul started from point 'A' and proceeded 7 km straight towards East, then he turned left and proceeded straight for a distance of 10 km. He then turned left again and proceeded straight for a distance of 6 km, and then turned left again and proceeded straight for another 10 km. In which direction is Rahul from his starting point ?
    (a) East
    (b) West
    (c) North
    (d) South
    (e) None of these

5. In an open ground, Sonali starts walking towards east and stops after 35 meters and turns right and walks another 15 meters and again turns right and walks 15 meters and then stops. What is the minimum distance she has to walk to reach the starting point ?
   (a) 25 meters
   (b) 20 meters
   (c) 30 meters
   (d) 35 meters
   (e) None of these


1. (b) : (600m+500m=1100m or 1.1 km)
direction test

2. (d) : (10 m+ 5 m = 15 m, East)

direction test
3. (d) :
direction test
4. (a) :

direction test

5. (a) :
direction test

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