AP CCE New Grading System For 6th-10th Classes in AP

#CCE New Grading System For 6th-10th Classes in AP from the academic year 2015-16 .ap 6th-10th classes grading system, ap new cce examination pattern, SSC Marks weightage, ap go 82, cce summative ssessment, ap go 82 cce implementation  from VI to X classes, go 82 ssc weightage AP Govt released GO MS 82 School Education Department – Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation pattern of examination system – Implementation of Examination Reforms for Classes VI to IX from the Academic year 2015-16 and for class X #SSC from the Academic Year 2016-17 in fullest extent – Orders Issued.
The Expert Committee made the following recommendations
 a) Implementation Schedule 
• CCE should be implemented (Internal and External mode) from class VI to IX during this academic year (2015-16). This will be the field experience for the stakeholders to implement examination reforms in a desired manner.
•  #March 2016 SSC Public Examinations will be without internal marks, pattern and procedure will be as followed in 2015 public examinations. 11 papers with old patterns the number of questions will be same. But the nature of questions will be thought provoking, analytical and open ended in nature.
 CCE pattern of examination system for class X in fullest extent should be adopted during 2016-17 onwards with 11 papers.
• SCERT take responsibility to implement examination reforms up to class X.

 Promotion List Software CCE Annual Grading Software 2016
SNo.  TopicSoftware in Xls
1  Consolidation
2  Promotion List 
Promotion List  I CLASS TO V CLASS Download Here
3  Grade Proforma
Primary Grade Wise Proforma Download Here
4  U.P Grade 
U.P Grade Proforma Download Here
5  Promotion List
U.P VI, VII Promotion List SoftWare Download Here
6  High School 
 Class wise Consolidation promotion Download Here
7  Form
High School Consolidation Download Here
8  Student wise
Student proforma 8th 9th Download Here
9  CCE Marks 
CCE Marks upload CSE Website Official Link Click Here
How to upload CCE Marks Login User Manual Click Here
10  Principle of SA1 Valuation

c) Marks weightage and duration of examination: 
  1. • Language subjects – 40 marks per paper and the examination duration will be 2 hours and 30 minutes in addition to 15 minutes for reading the question paper (2 hours 45 minutes) for Telugu/ Sanskrit/ Kannada/ Odia/ Tamil/ Urdu. 80 marks Hindi paper duration is also the same. 
  2. • Non language subjects – Mathematics, Science and Social Studies – Every subject will have two papers and each paper is for 40 marks and the examination duration is 2 hours and 30 minutes in addition to 15 minutes for reading the question paper. 
  3. • The Summative Examinations which are school based for class VI to IX and the final summative is of public exams at class X conducted by Director, Govt. Examinations. Each subject will be conducted for 80% of marks. The remaining 20% of marks are through internal assessment i.e. four Formative Assessments [FA] and three Summative Assessments [SA] 
  4. • The total marks of four Formative Assessments and two Summative Assessments conducted in an academic year will be accounted for 20% of marks in class X public examinations. 
  5. • Conduct one paper on each day except on general holidays. 

d) Trainings – Responsibilities 
  1. • All the stake holders in School Education Department i.e., DEOs, Dy. EOs, MEOs, HMs and teachers should be trained in participatory approach for effective implementation of CCE. Mandal level, District level moderation boards should be constituted and the persons of the boards should be trained well. 
  2. • HM is the first level monitoring authority, responsible for school performance. So he / she has to be trained well in both academic and administrative aspects. 
  3. • All teachers should be trained well to adopt interactive oriented pedagogical approaches in classroom transactional process, how to frame thought provoking, analytical, creative, open ended questions and evaluation procedures. 
  4. • Responsibility should be fixed to all monitoring officials to observe implementation of formative assessment which plays a dominant role in CCE. 

e) Co-Curricular Areas Assessment Procedure 
  1. • Assessment do not confine to cognitive areas, it is important to observe how student participate in other learning environments i.e., debates, discussions, projects, seminars, field works, model making, lab activities, literary association meetings, club activities, games and sports, cultural activities, creative activities etc. These are all the activities which lead to all round development of the student. 
  2. • No public exam shall be conducted in these subjects. However, these areas will be evaluated for three times in an academic year i.e. quarterly, half yearly and annually. Teachers shall observe and award marks. The average will be taken into account and the details of grade must be submitted on-line by HM to Director, Govt. Exams after verification by the moderation committee.
  3.  • Assessment of Co-Curricular areas is different from curricular areas. Teacher should observe the level of participation, interests towards across curricular activities, skills and abilities by using different tools like observations, discussions, rating scales, socio grams, project works etc.
  4.  • SCERT should develop suggestive Co-Curricular Assessment tools to enable the teachers to develop and utilized tools in proper manner. 
  5.  • Part time teachers are to be appointed for co-curricular areas like dance, music, drawing, computers, work experience etc. Otherwise HM should allot the responsibility of conducting these co-curricular activities followed by assessment to the teachers. Initially, choice may be given to the teachers to select the areas based on their interest. If it is not possible, the HM should allot co-curricular activities to the working teachers as suggested hereunder: Value education and Life Skills – Language teachers Art and Cultural Education - Science teachers Work and Computer Education – Maths teachers Health and Physical Education - PET/ Social teachers. 

f) Curricular Areas Assessment Procedure 
• Ability of student learning competency cannot be assessed only through paperpencil test. So it is necessary to follow Formative Assessment in addition to Summative Assessment by using different tools. Formative Assessment Procedure • Formative Assessment is the back bone in newly proposed CCE. The four tools in formative assessment are helpful to the teacher to assess his/her students in other cognitive areas like communication, participation, presentation, aesthetics etc. There are four formatives in a year. So teacher should record four times (July, September, December and February). The proposed four tools and marks allotment of formative assessment are hereunder: 
1. Children participation and reflection - (For languages - Read any book other than text book and write a report, Mathematics - prepare own problems and solution, Science - prepare lab report on experiment done by him/her, Social - Express opinions on contemporary issues) - 10 marks 
2. Project works - (Any other suitable tool may be developed by teacher preparation and presentation of Projects, Model making, art, paintings etc) - 10 marks 
3. Written works- (own expressions in note books, field observation, data collection and analysis reports, creative writings etc) -10 marks 
4. Slip test- Slip test should be conducted on selected Academic Standards. There is no need to conduct slip test in a specified timetable like our conventional unit test examinations. It is informal in nature teacher has, freedom to conduct slip test in his regular classroom transaction - 20 marks. Total- 50 marks. For the effective implementation of formative assessment all teachers are to be trained and equip them how to create suitable learning environment and teaching learning process to make the students to achieve goals· 
• Student should get 18 marks to pass in Formative Assessment.
 • Even though there are two papers in Summative Test there is no need to conduct paper wise slip test and remaining three tools separately for class IX. Teachers have freedom to select topics or academic standards from syllabus of both papers. 
• In case of Science, Physical Science and Biological Science teachers conduct and record Formative Assessment separately for 50 marks each. • Finally add both Physical Science and Biological Science marks and reduced to 50 that will be record under Science subject. -
g) Summative Assessment Procedure 
  1. • There are 3 Summative Assessments in a year (August/September, December/January, March / April).
  2. In case of class X, Public Examination will be in the place of third Summative Test to be conducted by Board of Secondary Education. 
  3. • Summative 1 and 2 question papers for Class VI to IX should be developed by District Common Examination Board. 
  4. • District Common Examination Board should conduct workshop by inviting group of teachers for each subject for question paper preparation. 
  5.  For Summative 1 and 2, each paper contains 80 marks for class VI to VIII only, whereas 40 marks for each paper in Class IX and X. (Hindi will be 80 marks). 
  6. • Summative 3 - final examination question papers Class VI to IX should be prepared by SCERT and Mail to all DEOs for printing and distribution. 
  7. • Academic Standards Weightages, number of questions, nature of questions should be similar for all classes i.e., Class VI to X. 
  8. • All teachers should be trained on newly introduced evaluation procedures, because questions are to be open ended, multiple answered, scope for individual expression, creative in nature. 
  9. • Number of question papers for class VI to VIII are one for each subject whereas two papers for IX class (except Hindi) for all Summative Examinations. So in class IX there are 11 papers similar to class X.
  10.  • Specific instructions should be given to teachers about paper wise syllabus for class IX and X.
  11.  • In Summative 3, each paper contains 80 marks only from class VI to VIII whereas 40 marks for Class IX and X because there are 2 papers in each subject (Hindi will be single paper with 80 marks). • Pass percentage will be 35% for all the languages and non language subjects. So student should compulsory get 27 marks in Summative 3 - final examination. 
  12. • Finally student is awarded 100 marks (80% from Summative which is final exam and 20% marks out of 360 from 4 Formatives Assessments (50x4=200), 2 Summative Assessments (80×2=160) respectively.
  13.  • If a student gets 27 marks in external exam, he/ she should compulsorily get 8 marks from 20% of internals for the optimum pass mark which is 35, but there is no pass mark in 20% of internals. 
  14. • If a student gets less than 8 in internals, he/she must get remaining marks to reach 35 from external examination, for example, if a student gets 5 marks in internals he/she must get 30 marks from externals.
  15.  • These 20% internal marks from school are only bonus marks, they may not influence any way on students pass mark. 
 h) QUALITATIVE ASPECTS Nature of the question papers and questions: 
• The nature of questions are to be open ending, descriptive, analytic which tests children abilities of thinking, critical analysis, judgments and leads to self expression and away from rote memory. Children must be trained to think critically and construct the answers on their own. Ensuring that learning is shifted away from rote methods and memory oriented, focus on self expression and do away with using of guides and study material and memorizing of answers. 
• The questions should make the children think and write. The questions should be analytical, application oriented and open ended. 
• The questions once appeared in public exams should not be repeated.
 • The questions given in the exercises of the textbook under each unit and lesson must not be given as such. They are only suggestive. The questions must reflect the academic standards.  i) Academic standards/ competencies to be achieved 
• The questions in the public exam should be in relevance to the laid down academic standards/ competencies to be achieved in the subjects concerned. 
• Weightage for the competencies of the subjects shall be developed and blue print/ weightage table prepared and accordingly question papers shall be developed. Types of test items: 
 Following are the nature of test items. 
A) Non language subjects (Science, Mathematics and Social Studies) o Essay type questions. o Short answer questions. o Very short questions o Objective type questions – Multiple choice questions. 
B) Languages subjects – Telugu and other Indian languages o Reading comprehension o Writing o Creative expression o Vocabulary o Grammar 
C) Language – English o Reading comprehension o Vocabulary o Creative writing o Grammar o Objective type questions which are multiple choice in nature. 
 j) Questions – Choice 
• Each question paper shall contain internal choice for essay types of questions only.
 k) Questions – Weightage: 
• Blue print will be developed reflecting weightage to the nature of questions and academic standards. Questions shall be given from any lesson / any part of the textbook transacted in the specified period, without giving specific weightages to the lessons / units in relation to design of the question papers. • The weightage tables must be kept in view while preparing question papers. Type of questions (essay, short answer, very short answer and objective questions) and academic standard-wise questions (how many marks and questions to each academic standard etc.).
 l) Procedures for recording and monitoring of assessment data
• Children performance should be recorded in the form of cumulative record. This record contains continual aspects i.e., Formative Assessment – Evaluation during instructional process, periodicity of aspect i.e., Summative Assessment – Evaluation at the end of term. All round development of the student personality in scholastic, coscholastic aspects to fulfil evaluation is a comprehension one. 
• SCERT should develop model of cumulative records which should be supplied to all schools by SSA, RMSA to record students’ performance at Primary and High School levels separately. Proper guidelines required to maintain such Records and Registers should be given. 
 • Specific Records and Registers should be maintained by the teacher as well as school. SCERT take responsibility to design such models keeping in view of data requirements of SSA and other educational agencies. This avoids repetition of work. 
• SCERT should develop software for online monitoring, HMs should take responsibility to post student wise performance in online format. 
• SCERT open Call Center- toll free number – will help all managements and institutions for smooth functioning. m) Grading 
• The marks based grading for classes VI to X with following range is given hereunder. 

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