Current Affairs Updates - 20 September 2015

Current Affairs Updates for today :-

E. Sreedharan to serve UN High Level Advisory Group

  • E. Sreedharan, also called as Metro Man, invited to UN High Level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport on 19th September 2015.

IPDS launched by Narendra Modi

  • Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 18th September 2015 with the aim to provide 24x7 power supply to every house till the year 2022.

Bal Pandit died

  • Bal Pandit, the famour Marathi Cricket Commentator, died on 18th September 2015. He was awarded with Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Award in the year 1978.

Joint Challenged Coin released by India and USA

  • Joint Challenged Coin released by India and USA on 17th September 2015 with the aim to symbolize their partnership for the next generationaircraft carrier for Indian Navy.

'Diclofenac' banned by Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

  • Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare banned the sale of ‘Diclofenac’ in multidose vial for human use on 18th September 2015. It is nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Indian Railways developed Hybrid Vacuum Toilets

  • Indian Railways developed Hybrid Vacuum Toilets and became 1st in the World to done it. It will help to maintain cleanliness in toilets.

Burkina Faso faced military coup

  • The West African country ‘Burkina Faso’ faced military coup with its military officers overthrowing the govt. on 17th September 2015.

Chile struck by an 8.3 magnitude earthquake

  • South American Country ‘Chile’ struck by 8.3 magnitude earthquake on 16th September 2015.
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