G.O No.63 Andhra Pradesh Teachers Transfers Rules 2015-16

            In order to facilitate and regulate the transfers of Headmasters Grade II Gazetted and teachers working in Government / ZPP / MPP schools in Andhra Pradesh School Education Service and Andhra Pradesh School Education Subordinate Service, Government had issued G.O No.63 with complete rules relating to transfers.As per G.O No.63 key points are given below

A.P.,Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules, 2015 - 16-main points of G.O No 63

  1. Government have decided to call for the applications for transfer of teachers through online and conduct web counseling duly obtaining the options as was done in the transfer counseling of A.P. Model Schools, Admission into DIETCET etc.
  2. The Headmasters/teachers shall apply online in the IP address given for the purpose.

Short Title and Applicability

  1.  These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules, 2015-16.
  2. These rules shall be applicable to Headmaster Gr.-II Gazetted in Andhra Pradesh School Education Service and School Assistants / Secondary Grade Teachers and other equivalent categories in Andhra Pradesh School Education Subordinate Service, herein after referred to as Teacher in these Rules.
  3. These rules shall come into force with immediate effect.

Transfer Counselling

  1.  All the transfers shall be processed by applications filed  and options exercised through an online processes. 
  2. Transfer orders will be issued by the Transfer Committees constituted for each district / zone.

Entitlement Points - Common Points

  1.  For service in the present school, basing on its location, as per the following scale, as on 1st August 2015 of the year
    •   Service in category IV areas Five  (5)  Points  for every year of service
    •   Service in Category III areas Three  (3)  points per every year of service
    •   Service in the Category II areas Two  (2)  points  per every year of service
    •   Service in the Category I areas One (1) point per every year of service 
  2. The Habitations / Towns shall be classified under following categories, viz,,
    • Category – I All Habitations / Towns where 20% and above HRA is admissible
    • Category –II All Habitations / Towns where 14.5% HRA is admissible
    • Category –III All Habitations / Towns where 12% HRA is admissible
    • Category-IV All Habitations where 12% HRA is admissible, and which do not have connectivity through an all-weather road as per the norms of Panchayat Raj (Engineering) Department
  3. The District Collector shall publish the list ofhabitations in the district which do not have connectivity through an all-weather road as per the norms of Panchayat Raj (Engineering) Department in consultation with the Superintendent Engineer, P.R. of the district for this purpose, and the same shall be final.
  4. For the Service rendered: 0.5 point for every year  of completed service in the total service in all categories as on 1st August 2015 of the year.
G.O No.63 Andhra Pradesh Teachers Transfers Rules 2015-16

G.O No.63 Andhra Pradesh Teachers Transfers Rules 2015-16-2

G.O No.63 Andhra Pradesh Teachers Transfers Rules 2015-16-3

G.O No.63 Andhra Pradesh Teachers Transfers Rules 2015-16-4

G.O No.63 Andhra Pradesh Teachers Transfers Rules 2015-16-5

  Finally you may download the copy of G.O No.63 of Andhra Pradesh Teachers Transfers Rules 2015-16 file from given below
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