FCI Assistant Grade -3 Questions July 2015

FCI Assistant Grade -3 Questions July 2015

FCI Question Paper 2015Food Corporation of India Has successfully finished the written exam of Assistant Grade 3 on 12th July, 2015, here I am share some questions of FCI Exam.

FCI Solved Question Paper 2015

1) in case of reflection it is well known that when a mirror turned through an angle the reflected ray turns through

2)The First battle of Tarain was fought between
Ans: Mahommad Ghori and Prithviraj sinh chauhan

3) Shigmo in one of the prominent festival of the:
Ans: Konkani Hindu Community

4) The tide produced in an ocean when the pull on the earth by the sun and moon is unidirectional is called?
Ans: Spring Tide

5) ASSERTION(A):- The president is a part of parliament.
REASON (R):- A bill passed by two Houses of parliament can not become law without the assent of the president

6) Remote sensing satellite Yaogan-23 was launched by?
Ans: China

7) A shift register is a:
Ans: Sequential-access Memory

8) What is the extension used for batch file?
Ans: .bat

9) Which of the following command is given to reboot the computer?
Ans: cntrl + Alt – Dlt

10) Fill the correct number at the sign of interrogation?

11) Youngest in the worls who set a world record by swimming in 1C temperature at antarctic ocean:
Ans: Bhakti Sharma

12) This is the ratio of a bank’s capital to its risk, expressed as a percentage of a bank’s risk weighted credit exposures:
Ans: CAR

13) if ROAD=152 and MAP=90, then RAIL=?
Ans: 160

14) Who is the husband of ‘V’ and what was his position in the game on the basis of points:

15) Who won the game & Who got the lowest points respectively?

16) There are some girls and buffalos at a place. if total number of heads is 15 and total number of legs is 46, then how many girls and how many buffalos are there?

17) if ‘A Rupees B’ means ‘A is the father of B’, ‘A@B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’, ‘A!B means ‘A is the wife of B’,then which of the following means ‘T is the grandmother of u’?


19)Blue, Bluff, Blurt, Blush:


21) Protection Deficiency disease is known as:
Ans: Kwashiorkor

22) Yakshagan is the famous dance form of the state of:
Ans: Karnataka

23) Which number is on the face opposite to 6 in the dice whose four views are given below:

24) Find the radious (r) of the circle

25) What is the population of town after 3 year, if its Present population is 1 lakh?

26) The number of categories for which the sector angle has decreased in 2014 compared to 2010 is:

27) in the pie chat for 2010, what is the sector angle to present the person?

28) What is the ratio of number of programmer to managers IT in 2014:

29) Since the total number of staff is different, the ratio of the radius of the circle for 2014 to that of circle for 2010 should?

30) For the same categories of system analyst, what is the sector angle for the year 2014:

31) if pie charts were to be drawn for the different categories of personnel, what would be the angle subtended by the system analysts for the year 2010?

32) Which vitamin is called alpha-tecopherol:
Ans: Vitamin E

33) A box contains 90 discs which are numbered from 1 to 90. if one disc is drawn at random from the box, the probability that it bears a perfect square number is:
Ans: 1/10

34) A petrol tank at a filling station has a capacity of 400 liters. The Attentant sells 40 liters of petrol from the tank to one customer and then replenishes it with kerosene oil. This process in repeated with six customers. what quantity of pure petrol with the seventh customer get when he purchases 40 liters of petrol?

35) In a class there are 33 students comprising of boys and girls. in a monthly test, the average score of the class was 14. the average score of girls and boys of the class was 15 and 12 respectively. Assuming that all the students has taken the test, what is the number of girls in the class?

36) A jogger running at 9km per hour alongside a railway track is 240 meters ahead of the engine of a 120 meters long train running at 45km per hour in the same direction. in how much time will the train pass the jogger?

37) A man invested 14,400 in the hundred rupee shares of a company at 20% premium. if the company declares 5% dividend at the end of the year, then how much does he gets as dividend?

38) A’s Present age is 4 years more than B’s age after six years. the sum of the present age of A and B together is 70 years. what is the present age of B?

39) The ratio between the length and the area of a rectangular field is 1:30 respectively. The perimeter of the field is 150 meters.  what is the length of that rectangular field?

40) Find the odd one out from the given alternatives?

41) 3,4,7,11,18,29,______?
Ans: 47

42) what is the number missing from the third target?
Ans: 48

43) A man leaves for his office from his house. he walks towards south. after walking a distance of 300 meters he turns towards west and walks 200 meters. then he walks 100 meters towards North ans further 100 meters towards west. He then turns towards north and walks 200 meters. what is the straight distance in meters between his initial and final positions?
Ans: 300

44) Conceptually , the circuitry of a central processing unit(CPU) can be subdivided into two major sub-units. which one of the following units would perform the required arithmetic and comparison operations:

45) MICR stands for?
Ans: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

46) When we consider 15 meridian on a world map or globe and count them in an easward direction starting with greenwich meridian(0), we find that the time of this meridian is:

48) Which one among the following rivers does not flow into Bay of Bengal?

49) The most abundant gas emitted from volcanoes is:

50) Acid: Litmus: :Knowledge:

51) DIRECTIONS: in this question a piece of paper is folded and then cut as shown below. the dotted lines shown are the portion which have been folded. The curve arrow shows the directions of folding. and the number of scissors beneath the figure show the number of portions cut. from the given responses, indicate how it will apper when opened. The Openning is in the same order as folding.


53) The hair od saving brush clings together when removed from water due to:

54) Anil, Abhay and Sanjay can complete a piece of work in 10 days, 12 days and 15 days respectively. All of them started working together but anil left after working for 2 days and abhay left 3 days before the completion of work. how long did the work lasts?

55) A Horse is tied with a rope of length 7 m at one corner of a square field having side equal to 10m. find the minimum possible area of the square field that is left ungrazed:

56) CMM level 1 has:

57) ‘AS’ clause is used in SQL for:

58) Which of the following places the common data elements in order from smallest to largest?

59) The name of india research station at the North pole:

60) S.D.R with reference to IMF stands for:

61) An alloy of steel contains iron and carbon in the ratio 3:4. if 120kg of iron is added to the alloy, then the same ratio become 5:4. Find the initial quantity of iron in the alloy?

62) A Sum of money at compound interest doubles it self in 15 years. it will become eight times of itself in?

63) Recently india pledged to provide 69 million rupees assistance to Nepal. this was for:

64) The recommendation of setting up for National Environment Management Authority and State Environment Management Authority has been proposed by:

65) Sushasan Express which was recently flagged off will run between:

66) Two Pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’ can fill a tank in 15 minutes and 20 minutes respectively. Both the pipes are opened together but after 4minute, pipe ‘A’ is turned off. what is the total time required to fill the tank?

67) In a game of cards, A and B together has four times as much money as ‘R’, while R and B together had three times as much as A. what fraction of the total money did R have in the game?

68) The area of two circular fields are in the ratio 16:49. if the radius of the latter is 14m, then what is the radius of the former?

69) A ‘CD’ player having a price tag of Rs.900 is sold for Rs.729 after two successive discounts. if the first discount was 10%, then what was the second discount?

70) Find the missing number?

71) National optic fibre network is the largest rural connectivity project in the world. First state of india to connect all its district gram panchayats through this:

72) Which one of the following is the query language for the INGRES DBMS?

73) Which of the following circuit is used as a ‘Memory device’ in computers?

74) what do you press to enter the current data in a cell?

75) Find the ratio of adult population is uneducated?

76) what percent of adults population is uneducted?

77) if 1000 adult males are married, find the number of adults females who are not married in tha same village:

78) if there are 2700 children enrolled in school, what percent of children are not enrolled in school?

79) How many adults are uneducated in the village in all:

80) As per Reserve Bank of india KYC norms, fill KYC exercise is to be done at least every_____Years for low risk category of customers:

81) A is sitting behind C, but in front of B. C is sitting behind E. D is sitting in front of E. The order in which they are sitting from the first row to the last is.

82) India has exported its first warship named “CGS Barracuda” to which of the following countries?

83) lain Hume was recently awarded the Golden Ball Award for the best player of indian super league. He was related to which of the following teams at the time of winning:

84) Beji Caid Essebsi was recently sworn in as the President of which of the following countries:

85) John O’Keefe, May – Britt Moser and Edward Moser won the Nobel Prize 2014 in the filed of:

86) Match List-I (temple/Heritage site) with List-II(State) and select the correct answers using the codes given below:

87) ______Language is used to create macros in MS Excel.

88) In a survey, it was found that 55% go for jogging, 50% do yoga, 42% do aerobics, 28% do jogging and yoga, 20% do yoga and aerobics, 12% go for jogging and aerobics and 10% do all three. if each one of them go for atleast one of these, then what percentage do exactly one exercise?

89) A half bytes is known as:

90) The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called?

91) in a certain language, the word ‘NUMERICAL’ is written as ‘LMUIREACN’. How will the word ‘PUBLISHED’ be written in that language?

92) in the constitution of india, Promotion of international peace and security is included in the:

93) By how many votes did the winner defeat his mearest rival?

94) Which one of the following European countries borders Atlantic ocean?

95) The first women to climb mountain Everest peak was:

96) Change the following direct speech into correct reported speech and mark your question from among choices he said , “Shyam has not turned up yet”

97) Identify the adverb in the following sentence?
He spoke well at the meeting last night:

98) POLYGLOT – is someone who

99) Ram and Shyam   help one another   in times   of need

100) If ram would have worked hard, he would have been selected for the job:

101) Hobson’s choice:



104) if my teachers   will advice    i will join   the part time course

105) A man who hates women:

106) Combine each of the following sentence by using an Adverb Clause.
He was quite tierd. He could scarcely stand.

107) in the following question, identify the sentence with subordinating conjunction:

108) The train is due_____1:15PM

109) They may be poor but they have blue blood in their family.

110) Ought we to make any false claims?

111) One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain:
Ans: Stoic

112) One who studies election trends by means of opinion polls:
Ans: Psephology


114) India and pakistan are Geographically______Countries:
Ans: contiguous

115) Identify the part of speech of the underlined words in the given sentences:
Everybody looked delighted when the comely bride appeared on stage:

116) Jumbied sentences/Pharases

117) what important lesson did the writer learn from his father?

118) The driver of jeep was treated with respect because:

119) What valuable lession did the writers father teach the children by refusing to use the official jeep for non-official business?

120) The writer’s father refused to use the official jeep to commute to the office because:

Ans:FCI Assistant Grade -3 Questions July 2015
Food Corporation of India Has successfully finished the written exam of Assistant Grade 3 on 12th July, 2015, here I am share some questions of FCI Exam.
FCI Solved Question Paper 2015
1) in case of reflection it is well known that when a mirror turned through an angle the reflected ray turns through

2)The First battle of Tarain was fought between
Ans: Mahommad Ghori and Prithviraj sinh chauhan

3) Shigmo in one of the prominent festival of the:
Ans: Konkani Hindu Community

4) The tide produced in an ocean when the pull on the earth by the sun and moon is unidirectional is called?
Ans: Spring Tide

5) ASSERTION(A):- The president is a part of parliament.
REASON (R):- A bill passed by two Houses of parliament can not become law without the assent of the president

6) Remote sensing satellite Yaogan-23 was launched by?
Ans: China

7) A shift register is a:
Ans: Sequential-access Memory

8) What is the extension used for batch file?
Ans: .bat

9) Which of the following command is given to reboot the computer?
Ans: cntrl + Alt – Dlt

10) Fill the correct number at the sign of interrogation?

11) Youngest in the worls who set a world record by swimming in 1C temperature at antarctic ocean:
Ans: Bhakti Sharma

12) This is the ratio of a bank’s capital to its risk, expressed as a percentage of a bank’s risk weighted credit exposures:
Ans: CAR

13) if ROAD=152 and MAP=90, then RAIL=?
Ans: 160

14) Who is the husband of ‘V’ and what was his position in the game on the basis of points:

15) Who won the game & Who got the lowest points respectively?

16) There are some girls and buffalos at a place. if total number of heads is 15 and total number of legs is 46, then how many girls and how many buffalos are there?

17) if ‘A Rupees B’ means ‘A is the father of B’, ‘A@B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’, ‘A!B means ‘A is the wife of B’,then which of the following means ‘T is the grandmother of u’?


19)Blue, Bluff, Blurt, Blush:


21) Protection Deficiency disease is known as:
Ans: Kwashiorkor

22) Yakshagan is the famous dance form of the state of:
Ans: Karnataka

23) Which number is on the face opposite to 6 in the dice whose four views are given below:

24) Find the radious (r) of the circle

25) What is the population of town after 3 year, if its Present population is 1 lakh?

26) The number of categories for which the sector angle has decreased in 2014 compared to 2010 is:

27) in the pie chat for 2010, what is the sector angle to present the person?

28) What is the ratio of number of programmer to managers IT in 2014:

29) Since the total number of staff is different, the ratio of the radius of the circle for 2014 to that of circle for 2010 should?

30) For the same categories of system analyst, what is the sector angle for the year 2014:

31) if pie charts were to be drawn for the different categories of personnel, what would be the angle subtended by the system analysts for the year 2010?

32) Which vitamin is called alpha-tecopherol:
Ans: Vitamin E

33) A box contains 90 discs which are numbered from 1 to 90. if one disc is drawn at random from the box, the probability that it bears a perfect square number is:
Ans: 1/10

34) A petrol tank at a filling station has a capacity of 400 liters. The Attentant sells 40 liters of petrol from the tank to one customer and then replenishes it with kerosene oil. This process in repeated with six customers. what quantity of pure petrol with the seventh customer get when he purchases 40 liters of petrol?

35) In a class there are 33 students comprising of boys and girls. in a monthly test, the average score of the class was 14. the average score of girls and boys of the class was 15 and 12 respectively. Assuming that all the students has taken the test, what is the number of girls in the class?

36) A jogger running at 9km per hour alongside a railway track is 240 meters ahead of the engine of a 120 meters long train running at 45km per hour in the same direction. in how much time will the train pass the jogger?

37) A man invested 14,400 in the hundred rupee shares of a company at 20% premium. if the company declares 5% dividend at the end of the year, then how much does he gets as dividend?

38) A’s Present age is 4 years more than B’s age after six years. the sum of the present age of A and B together is 70 years. what is the present age of B?

39) The ratio between the length and the area of a rectangular field is 1:30 respectively. The perimeter of the field is 150 meters.  what is the length of that rectangular field?

40) Find the odd one out from the given alternatives?

41) 3,4,7,11,18,29,______?
Ans: 47

42) what is the number missing from the third target?
Ans: 48

43) A man leaves for his office from his house. he walks towards south. after walking a distance of 300 meters he turns towards west and walks 200 meters. then he walks 100 meters towards North ans further 100 meters towards west. He then turns towards north and walks 200 meters. what is the straight distance in meters between his initial and final positions?
Ans: 300

44) Conceptually , the circuitry of a central processing unit(CPU) can be subdivided into two major sub-units. which one of the following units would perform the required arithmetic and comparison operations:

45) MICR stands for?
Ans: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

46) When we consider 15 meridian on a world map or globe and count them in an easward direction starting with greenwich meridian(0), we find that the time of this meridian is:

48) Which one among the following rivers does not flow into Bay of Bengal?

49) The most abundant gas emitted from volcanoes is:

50) Acid: Litmus: :Knowledge:

51) DIRECTIONS: in this question a piece of paper is folded and then cut as shown below. the dotted lines shown are the portion which have been folded. The curve arrow shows the directions of folding. and the number of scissors beneath the figure show the number of portions cut. from the given responses, indicate how it will apper when opened. The Openning is in the same order as folding.


53) The hair od saving brush clings together when removed from water due to:

54) Anil, Abhay and Sanjay can complete a piece of work in 10 days, 12 days and 15 days respectively. All of them started working together but anil left after working for 2 days and abhay left 3 days before the completion of work. how long did the work lasts?

55) A Horse is tied with a rope of length 7 m at one corner of a square field having side equal to 10m. find the minimum possible area of the square field that is left ungrazed:

56) CMM level 1 has:

57) ‘AS’ clause is used in SQL for:

58) Which of the following places the common data elements in order from smallest to largest?

59) The name of india research station at the North pole:

60) S.D.R with reference to IMF stands for:

61) An alloy of steel contains iron and carbon in the ratio 3:4. if 120kg of iron is added to the alloy, then the same ratio become 5:4. Find the initial quantity of iron in the alloy?

62) A Sum of money at compound interest doubles it self in 15 years. it will become eight times of itself in?

63) Recently india pledged to provide 69 million rupees assistance to Nepal. this was for:

64) The recommendation of setting up for National Environment Management Authority and State Environment Management Authority has been proposed by:

65) Sushasan Express which was recently flagged off will run between:

66) Two Pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’ can fill a tank in 15 minutes and 20 minutes respectively. Both the pipes are opened together but after 4minute, pipe ‘A’ is turned off. what is the total time required to fill the tank?

67) In a game of cards, A and B together has four times as much money as ‘R’, while R and B together had three times as much as A. what fraction of the total money did R have in the game?

68) The area of two circular fields are in the ratio 16:49. if the radius of the latter is 14m, then what is the radius of the former?

69) A ‘CD’ player having a price tag of Rs.900 is sold for Rs.729 after two successive discounts. if the first discount was 10%, then what was the second discount?

70) Find the missing number?

71) National optic fibre network is the largest rural connectivity project in the world. First state of india to connect all its district gram panchayats through this:

72) Which one of the following is the query language for the INGRES DBMS?

73) Which of the following circuit is used as a ‘Memory device’ in computers?

74) what do you press to enter the current data in a cell?

75) Find the ratio of adult population is uneducated?

76) what percent of adults population is uneducted?

77) if 1000 adult males are married, find the number of adults females who are not married in tha same village:

78) if there are 2700 children enrolled in school, what percent of children are not enrolled in school?

79) How many adults are uneducated in the village in all:

80) As per Reserve Bank of india KYC norms, fill KYC exercise is to be done at least every_____Years for low risk category of customers:

81) A is sitting behind C, but in front of B. C is sitting behind E. D is sitting in front of E. The order in which they are sitting from the first row to the last is.

82) India has exported its first warship named “CGS Barracuda” to which of the following countries?

83) lain Hume was recently awarded the Golden Ball Award for the best player of indian super league. He was related to which of the following teams at the time of winning:

84) Beji Caid Essebsi was recently sworn in as the President of which of the following countries:

85) John O’Keefe, May – Britt Moser and Edward Moser won the Nobel Prize 2014 in the filed of:

86) Match List-I (temple/Heritage site) with List-II(State) and select the correct answers using the codes given below:

87) ______Language is used to create macros in MS Excel.

88) In a survey, it was found that 55% go for jogging, 50% do yoga, 42% do aerobics, 28% do jogging and yoga, 20% do yoga and aerobics, 12% go for jogging and aerobics and 10% do all three. if each one of them go for atleast one of these, then what percentage do exactly one exercise?

89) A half bytes is known as:

90) The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called?

91) in a certain language, the word ‘NUMERICAL’ is written as ‘LMUIREACN’. How will the word ‘PUBLISHED’ be written in that language?

92) in the constitution of india, Promotion of international peace and security is included in the:

93) By how many votes did the winner defeat his mearest rival?

94) Which one of the following European countries borders Atlantic ocean?

95) The first women to climb mountain Everest peak was:

96) Change the following direct speech into correct reported speech and mark your question from among choices he said , “Shyam has not turned up yet”

97) Identify the adverb in the following sentence?
He spoke well at the meeting last night:

98) POLYGLOT – is someone who

99) Ram and Shyam   help one another   in times   of need

100) If ram would have worked hard, he would have been selected for the job:

101) Hobson’s choice:



104) if my teachers   will advice    i will join   the part time course

105) A man who hates women:

106) Combine each of the following sentence by using an Adverb Clause.
He was quite tierd. He could scarcely stand.

107) in the following question, identify the sentence with subordinating conjunction:

108) The train is due_____1:15PM

109) They may be poor but they have blue blood in their family.

110) Ought we to make any false claims?

111) One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain:
Ans: Stoic

112) One who studies election trends by means of opinion polls:
Ans: Psephology


114) India and pakistan are Geographically______Countries:
Ans: contiguous

115) Identify the part of speech of the underlined words in the given sentences:
Everybody looked delighted when the comely bride appeared on stage:

116) Jumbied sentences/Pharases

117) what important lesson did the writer learn from his father?

118) The driver of jeep was treated with respect because:

119) What valuable lession did the writers father teach the children by refusing to use the official jeep for non-official business?

120) The writer’s father refused to use the official jeep to commute to the office because:
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