English Language Quiz - Part 48

English Language Quiz for today :-

1. Adjure
a) give up
b) ban
c) beg earnestly
d) insult

2. Verisimilitude
a) carbon copy
b) suspiciousness
c) appearance of truth
d) honesty

3. Encumber
a) interpret
b) hold back
c) surround
d) recollect

4. Juxtapose
a) bully
b) advertise widely
c) place side by side
d) violate

5. Imponderable
a) arid
b) without thought
c) difficult to assess
d) light weight

6. Moribund
a) short lived
b) officially binding
c) about to die
d) spreading rapidly

7. Pecuniary
a) tiny
b) sinful
c) relating to money
d) unsuitable

8. Exasperate
a) make worse
b) scold
c) annoy
d) tire out

9. Maxim
a) large value
b) short saying
c) extreme emotion
d) outdated fashion

10. Untenable
a) not focused
b) uninhabited
c) useless
d) indefensible

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