U. N International Year - PSC Questions and Answers


2014          : International Year of Family Farming, International Year of Crystallography

2013          : International Year of Quinoa, International Year of Water Co-operation

2012          : International Year of Co-operatives, International Year of Sustainable Energy for All

2011          : International Year of Forests, International Year of Chemistry, International Year for People of African Descent

2010          : International Year of Biodiversity

2009          : International Year of Astronomy, International Year of Natural Fibers,International Year of Reconciliation, International Year of Human Rights Learning

2008          : International Year of Languages, International Year of Potato, International Year of Sanitation, International Year of Planet Earth

2007          :  International Polar Year, International Dolphin Year

2006          : International Co-operatives Year of Deserts and Desertification

2005          : International Year of Microcredit, International Year for Sport and Physical Education, International Year of Physics
 2004          : International Year of Commemorate the Struggle against Slavery and its Abolition, International Year of Rice

2003          : Year of Kyrgyz Statehood, International Year of Freshwater

2002          : United Nations Year for Cultural Heritage, International Year of Mountains,International Year of Ecotourism

2001          : United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations, International Year of Volunteers, International Year of Mobilization against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance

2000          : International Year of Thanksgiving, International Year for the Culture of Peace
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