PSC Frequently Asked 200 Questions and Answers

Kerala PSC Frequently Asked 200 Questions and Answers 

1.Nilgiris are part of :
Answer : Western Ghats
2. Pediatrician is a :
Answer : Child Specialist
3. Pentagon refers to :
Answer : The Defence department of U.S.A
4. Which of the following disease is caused due to
shortage of red blood cells?
a. Arthritis
b. Anaemia
c. Lukaemia
d. Meningitis
Answer : Anaemia
5. Coffee is not grown in
a. Maharashtra
b. Kerala
c. Tamil Nadu
d. Karnataka
Answer : Maharashtra
6. The velocity of the sound in Vaccum is:
Ans : Less than in air
7. The Heavy Engineering Corporation is at :
Answer : Ranchi
8. Where is Central Mining Research Station?
Answer : Dhanbad
9. Where is Indian Institute of Petroleum?
Answer : Dehradun
10. Where is Central Drug Research Institute
Answer : Lucknow
11.The book'Broken Wings'was written by:
Answer : Sarojini Naidu
12. Who was known as'Punjab Kesari'?
Answer : Lala Lajpat Rai
13. The first cotton mill in India was set up in
Calcutta in:
Answer : 1818
14. The velocity of the sound in Vaccum is:
Answer : Less than in air
15. In which country is Jafna situated?
Answer : Sri Lanka
16. The novel'Gora'is written by :
Answer : Rabindranath Tagore
17. Where is the Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research situated?
Answer : Mumbai
18. With which of the following fields is Birju Maharaj
a. Medicine
b. Literature
c. Dance
d. Music
Answer : Dance
19. Tamil, Telengu and Malayalam belong to which
linguistic family?
Answer : Dravidian
20. The Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar award are given for
excellence in:
Answer : Science and Technology

21. Which Indian State is often called'The Heart of
Answer : Madhya Pradesh
22. Largest Zoo in India is the :
Answer : Guwahati Zoo
23. In which district is the Malampuzha Gardens?
Answer : Palakkad
24. Gandhi Sagar Dam is on the river :
Answer : Chambal
25. Chanakya's other name was:
Answer : Kautilya
26. What is the modern name of Mysore State?
Answer : Karnataka
27. Bacteria were first observed by:
Answer : Leeuwenhock
28. After vaccination the body builds up:
Answer : Antibodies
29. Who is the Author of the book Ujjaini?
Answer : O.N.V. Kurup
30. What is the chemical name of Heavy Water?
Answer : Deuterium Oxide
31. Who is the Author of the book'One-day Wonders'?
Answer : Sunil Gavaskar
32. Who created the character of Shylock?
Answer : William Shakespeare
33.'Echo'is the effect produced due to :
Answer : Reflection of Sound
34. Who issues one-rupee note?
Answer : Unioin Finance Secretary
35. Sofia is the capital of :
Answer : Bulgaria
36. The instrument used for measuring atmospheric
pressure :
Answer : Barometer
37. The instrument used for relative density of
liquids :
Answer : Hydrometer
38. Who invented the laws of gravitations?
Answer : Issac Newton
39. The chemical name of white vitriol?
Answer : Zinc Sulphate
40. The scientific study of Moon?
Answer : Selenology
41. Who founded the Insulin?
Answer : Sir. Federic Banting
42. Garampani sanctuary is located at:
Answer : Diphu, Assam
43. The old name of Iran :
Answer : Persia
44. Capital of Hawai :
Answer : Boise
45. The Son of Sri Buddha?
Answer : Rahul
46. Where was the second Anglo - sikh war held?
Answer : Gujarat
47. Who is known as the'Gautama Buddha'of China?
Answer : Lao Tse.
48. Father of Biology?
Answer : Aristotle
49. Who was the first Governor of Kerala?
Answer : Ramakrishna Rao
50. Which place is known as the'Chirapunji'of
Answer : Wayanad
51. Indian war memorial is situated in :
Answer : Delhi
52. The planning commission in India was set up in
the year :
Answer : 1950
53. How many languages are listed in the Indian
Answer : 18
54. The Alamatti dam is on the river :
Answer : Krishna
55. In which state is the famous Sun Temple of
Konark located?
Answer : Orissa
56. Oncology is the diagnosis and treatment of :
Answer : Cancer
57. The country with highest Newspaper circulation?
Answer : Japan
58. The Indian Bank with over 9000 branches?
Answer : State Bank of India
59. Which is the Land of White Elephants?
Answer : Thailand
60. Kerala Panineeyam was written by :
Answer : A.R. Raja Raja Varma
61. The new name of Ceylon is :
Answer : Sri Lanka
62. Andhra Pradesh was formed in the year :
Answer : 1953
63. The Red Fort was built by :
Answer : Shajahan
64. The Capital of Arunachal Pradesh is :
Answer : Itanagar
65. One Mile is equal to :
Answer : 1.61 km
66. The term Fourth Estate refers to :
Answer : Press
67. The last French Settlement in India was at :
Answer : Mahe
68. The Capital of Sikkim :
Answer : Gangtok
69. Panini is associated with :
Answer : Grammar
70. The mineral present in thyroxine is :
Answer : Iodine
71. Normally hen's eggs hatch in :
Answer : 21 days
72. Paralysis is caused by disorders connected with :
Answer : Brain
73. With which crop is the name Jaya associated?
Answer : Rice
74. Taoism is associated with........... ...?
Answer : Lao Tse
75.'Man is born free and every where he is in
chains'. Who said this?
Answer : Rousseau
76. The Chinese traveller, Huen Tsang visited India
at the time of .............?
Answer : Harsha Vardhana
77. The last Viceroy of British India was .............?
Answer : Lord Mount Batten
78. The disease causing germ of common cold is :
Answer : Virus
79. The super computer that beat Kasparov in 1997?
Answer : Deep Blue
80.'Rankjet'disease effect :
Answer : Cow
81. The sugar present in milk is called :
Answer : Lactose
82. The author of War and Peace :
Answer : Tolstoy
83. Name of the first-tube baby is :
Answer : Louis Brown
84. The particle which is supposed to travel faster
than light :
Answer : Tachyon
85. Mercury is a :
Answer : Metal
86. Philately deals with :
Answer : Collection of postage stamps
87. Galileo Galilie was an ..............S cientist
Answer : Italian
88. Lift was invented by :
Answer : Otis
89. The first Indian Cosmonaut :
Answer : Rakesh Sharma
90. The holiest lake in the world :
Answer : Manassrower
91. Taj Mahal is on the bank of river :
Answer : Yamuna
92. Ferdinand de Lesseps is associated with :
Answer : Suez Canal
93. Where is the Vivekananda rock situated?
Answer : Kanyakumari
94. The concept of Zero was first given by the :
Answer : Indians
95. The headquarters of World Bank is in :
Answer : Washington
96. Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the police
force in ............... ...?
Answer : Britain
97. The police force in Kerala is headed by :
Answer : DGP
98. The Hindustan Aircraft Ltd. is situated at :
Answer : Bangalore
99. The slogan'Inquilab Zindabad'was first raised
by :
Answer : Bhagat Singh
100. Snake bite first effects the ............... ...?
Answer : Nervous System
101. Which country won the World Cup Football
tournament for the first time ?
Answer : Uruguay
102. The last Diwan of Travancore State :
Answer : Sri. C.P. Ramaswami Iyer
103. Which is the Samadhi of Rajiv Gandhi?
Answer : Veer Bhoomi
104. Who wrote the essay on the priciples of
Answer : Malthus
105. AIDS is caused by :
Answer : Virus
106. The Language of Lakshadweep :
Answer : Malayalam
107. Gobar gas mainly contains :
Answer : Methane
108. Raja Ravi Varma was famous for :
Answer : Painter
109. Jerusalem is located in :
Answer : Israel
110. The term of office of a member of Rajya Sabha :
Answer : 6 Years
111. Brass is an alloy of :
Answer : Copper and Zinc
112. Goa was liberated in the year :
Answer : 1961
113. Fathom is the unit used for measuring :
Answer : Depth
114. The biggest public sector undertaking in India
is :
Answer : Railways
115. Epistemology has to do with :
Answer : Knowledge
116.'Le Monde'is the News paper of :
Answer : France
117. Shiva Samudra Hydro Electric Project is situated
at :
Answer : Karnataka
118. Who is the journalist associated with'Kesari'?
Answer : Balakrishna Pillai
119. The Konkan railway has been constructed
between :
Answer : Mangalore and Mumbai
120. The oldest and most sacred of the Vedas :
Answer : Rig Veda
121. The paris commune took place in :
Answer : 1871
122. The fungus that produces alcohol is :
Answer : Yeast
123. The structure of DNA was discovered by :
Answer : Waston and Crick
124. The UNO was founded on ............... ?
Answer : 24th October 1945
125. Which was the main centre of'Salt Satyagraha'
in Malabar?
Answer : Payyannur
126. Which is the southernmost Taluk in Kerala?
Answer : Neyyattinkara
127. The book Das Capital was written by :
Answer : Karl Marx
128. Rangaswamy cup is the highest team prize in
India for :
Answer : Hockey
129. India's first underground rail line is at :
Answer : Kolkata
130. Arthashastra was written by :
Answer : Kautilya (Chanakya)
131. First Indian State to use electronic Voting
Machine for its entire voting process?
Answer : Goa
132. Nasik is situated on the banks of the river :
Answer : Godavari
133. Shivaji was born in :
Answer : 1627
134. In which district is Sabarimala temple located?
Answer : Pathanamthitta
135. Who is the founder of the Mughal dynasty ?
Answer : Babur
136. Kalinga war was fought in the year :
Answer : 261 B.C
137. Y - rays are :
Answer : neutral
138. The hardest form of carbon is :
Answer : Diamond
139. Oxygen was discovered by :
Answer : Joseph Priestly
140. The river that carries the largest quantity of
water is the ..............?
Answer : Amazon
141. The term'extra cover'is associated with :
Answer : Cricket
142. The first woman Foreign Minister of India was :
Answer : Lakshmi N. Menon
143. The last district formed in Kerala was :
Answer : Kasaragod
144. The International Court of Justice is located :
Answer : Hague
145. The state bird of Kerala is :
Answer : Hornbill
146. Kalamandalam Krishnan Nair is famous in :
Answer : Kathakali
147. Chairman of Rajya-Sabha :
Answer : Vice-President
148. Which tax is levied by the Union Government?
Answer : Income Tax
149. Orange juice contains :
Answer : Vitamin C
150. Who was the first speaker of Kerala Legislative
Answer : R. Sankara Narayanan Thampi
151. Red blood corpuscles (RBC) are formed in the :
Answer : Bone marrow
152. Which country is known as the'Land of
Thousand Lakes'?
Answer : Finland
153. Who is known as the'Father of Indian
Answer : M. Chalapathi Rao
154. In which year golden jubilee is celebrated?
Answer : 50
155. Thakazhy Sivasankara Pillai is :
Answer : Novelist
156. December 10 is observed as :
Answer : Human Rights Day
157. Meenambakkam airport is at :
Answer : Chennai
158. The art of gardening is known as :
Answer : Horticulture
159. Longest cell in the body?
Answer : Neuron
160. Which is the smallest bone?
Answer : Stapes
161. Who developed the first all electronic computers
by 1940?
Answer : Atanasuff and Berry
162. The High voltage level of a digital signal in
positive logic is :
Answer : 1
163. The Gateway Internet Access Services (GIAS)
of India is situated at :
Answer : Mumbai
164. Dada Saheb Phalke Award is given :
Answer : For contribution of Indian cinema
165. Bhartiya Jnanpith Award is given to :
Answer : Best Scholar in Hindi
166. The diameter of Aryabhatta satellite was :
Answer : 140 cm
167. The tern'Penalty Corner'is associated with :
Answer : Hockey
168. Kampala is the capital of :
Answer : Uganda
169. Lord Canning was the :
Answer : First Viceroy of India
170. What is GALVANISM?
Answer : Medical treatment by electric currents
171. When was Mahatma Gandhi born?
Answer : October 2, 1869
172.'The God of Small Things'was written by :
Answer : Arundhati Roy
173. The author of'Lajja'(Shame) is :
Answer : Taslima Nasreen
174. The term'jockey'is associated with :
Answer : Horse Racing
175. A person is known as'the man of destiny'?
Answer : Nepoleon Bonapart
176. The Indian Prime Minister who wrote a book on
Answer : Morarji Desai
177. Dynamo was invented by :
Answer : Faraday
178. Where is the Central Rice Research Institute
Answer : Pattambi
179. Example of communicable disease?
Answer : Small pox
180. Kuchipudi Orginated in :
Answer : Andhra Pradesh
181. Calcium Carbonate is the chemical name of :
Answer : Lime Stone
182. The country which ranks first in the production
of newsprint?
Answer : Canada
183. The study of organisms in relation to their
environment is called :
Answer : Ecology
184. The Ozone layer is situated at a height
between :
Answer : 15 and 60 km
185. The organic acid present in tomato is :
Answer : Oxalic Acid
186. Leaves are green due to the presence of :
Answer : Chlorophyll
187. The country that awards Nobel prize is :
Answer : Sweden
188. Dhanvanthari Award is given in the field of :
Answer : Medicine
189. Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is built across the river :
Answer : Krishna
190. The first scheduled caste Vice President of India
belongs to ............... .....?
Answer : Kerala
191. A metal that occurs free in nature is :
Answer : Platinum
192. An example for tribasic acide is :
Answer : Nitric acid
193. The gas that clear lime water milky is :
Answer : Carbon Dioxide
194. The acid present in Vinegar is :
Answer : Acetic acid
195. The largest land surrounded on all sides by the
sea :
Answer : Australia
196. The first Chief Minister of the Travancore
Cochin state was :
Answer : T.K. Narayana Pillai
197. In Kerala, wind energy is used to produce
electricity, at :
Answer : Palakkad
198. Cultural capital of Kerala :
Answer : Trissur
199. The largest specialised agency in the UN
System :
Answer : FAO
200. The capital of New Zealand :
Answer : Wellington

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