Kerala PSC Data Entry Operator Exam Expected Questions And Answers 2014

1. Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer ?
Answer :-Binary

2.The number of functional keys in a keyboard :
Answer :-12

3.The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as :
Answer :-Firmware

4. Who built the first Mechanical Calculator ?
Answer :-Blaise Pascal

5. Punched cards were first introduced by :
Answer :- Herman Hollerith

6.Operating system, editors, and debuggers comes under ?
Answer :-System Software

7. World Computer Security Day is celebrated on :
Answer :-November 30

8. World Computer Literacy Day is celebrated on :
Answer :-December 2

9. ____ is the process of dividing the disk into tracks & sectors :
Answer :-Formatting

10.____ are a bundle of exclusive rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial :
Answer :-Intellectual Property Rights

11.The attempt to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communicated is termed :
Answer :-Phishing

12.In cyber law terminology ‘DoS’ means :
Answer :-Denial of Service

13._____ is characterized by abusers repeatedly sending an identical email message to a particular address :
Answer :- E-mail Bombing

14.By hacking web server taking control on another person’s website called as web _____ :
Answer :-Hijacking

15.The use of internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization is termed :
Answer :-Cyber stalking

16.Asian School of Cyber Laws is at :
Answer :-Pune

17.The first Bank to get Online Banking facility is ____ :
Answer :- HDFC

18.____ is the first bank started its Malayalam website :
Answer :-SBT

19.The explicit portrayal of sexual subject matter is termed :
Answer :-Pornography 

20.FTP stands for :
Answer :- File Transfer Protocol 

21. What is a firewall protection ?
Answer :-Security

22. Which computer languages is used for Artificial Intelligence ?
Answer :-PROLOG

23. Who invented the high level programming language C ?
Answer :-Dennis M. Ritchie

24. Expansion of UNIVAC :
Answer :-Universal Automatic Computer

25. In a client/server computer network, the user’s computer is usually called :
Answer :-Client

26. UNIVAC is
Answer :-Universal Automatic Computer

27.CD-ROM stands for
Answer :- Compact Disk Read Only Memory

28.ALU is
Answer :-Arithmetic Logic Unit

29. VGA is
Answer :-Video Graphics Array

30. IBM 1401 is
Answer :-Second Generation Computer
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