1.The author of War and Peace :
Answer : Tolstoy

2.Name of the first-tube baby is :
Answer : Louis Brown

3.The particle which is supposed to travel faster than light :
Answer : Tachyon

4.Mercury is a :
Answer : Metal

5.Philately deals with :
Answer : Collection of postage stamps

6.Galileo Galilie was an________Scientist
Answer : Italian

7. Lift was invented by :
Answer : Otis

8. The first Indian Cosmonaut :
Answer : Rakesh Sharma

9. The holiest lake in the world :
Answer : Manassrower

10. Taj Mahal is on the bank of river :
Answer : Yamuna

11. Ferdinand de Lesseps is associated with :
Answer : Suez Canal

12. Where is the Vivekananda rock situated?
Answer : Kanyakumari

13. The concept of Zero was first given by the :
Answer : Indians

14. The headquarters of World Bank is in :
Answer : Washington

15. Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the police force in__________?
Answer : Britain

16. The police force in Kerala is headed by :
Answer : DGP

17. The Hindustan Aircraft Ltd. is situated at :
Answer : Bangalore

18. The slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad' was first raised by :
Answer : Bhagat Singh

19. Snake bite first effects the____________?
Answer : Nervous System

20. Which country won the World Cup Football tournament for the first time ?
Answer : Uruguay

21. The last Diwan of Travancore State :
Answer : Sri. C.P. Ramaswami Iyer

22. Which is the Samadhi of Rajiv Gandhi?
Answer : Veer Bhoomi

23. Who wrote the essay on the priciples of population?
Answer : Malthus

24. AIDS is caused by :
Answer : Virus

25. The Language of Lakshadweep :
Answer : Malayalam

26. Gobar gas mainly contains :
Answer : Methane

27. Raja Ravi Varma was famous for :
Answer : Painter

28. Jerusalem is located in :
Answer : Israel

29. The term of office of a member of Rajya Sabha :
Answer : 6 Years

30. Brass is an alloy of :
Answer : Copper and Zinc
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