List of Countries Capital and Currency- POUND, Rupee, Dinar and Peso for All Exams

List of Countries Capital and Currency for all Banking, SSC and UPSC exams in shortcut way like UK-LESSS,  LI-J-BiSKAT-Ma and MAC-C-CPU. Pound, Rupee, Dinar and Peso etc
Countries Capital and Currency

Countries Capital and Currency for all exams

  • To remember countries with currency POUND: UK-LESSS(6 Countries)
  • UK-United Kingdom,L-Lebanon, E-Egypt, S-Syria, S-Sudan, S-South Sudan

Sr No. Country Capital
1 United Kingdom London
2 Lebanon Beirut
3 Egypt Cairo
4 Syria Damascuss
5 Sudan Khartoum
6 South sudan Juba
  • SOUTH SUDAN (THE World's NEWEST Country) gained independence on 9 July 2011 from Sudan.
Countries with Currency Rupee
Sr No. Country Capital
1 India New Delhi
2 Pakistan Islamabad
3 Nepal Kathmandu
4 Sri Lanka Sri Jaiwardhanpure Kotte
5 Maldives Male
6 Mauritius Port Louis
7 Sichhells Victoria
8 Indonesia Jakarta

    In some countries, It can be called Rufia or Rupiya, but by remembering Rupee we can easily answer them.
    • To remember countries with currency DINAR: LI-J-BiSKAT-Ma(9 Countries)
    • L-Libya,I-Iraq,J-Jordan,Bi-Baharain,S-Serbia,K-Kuwait,A-Algeria,T-Tunisia,Ma-Macedonia
    Sr No. Country Capital
    1. Libya Tripoli
    2. Iraq Baghdad
    3. Jordan Amman
    4. Baharain Manama
    5. Serbia Belgrade
    6. Kuwait Kuwait City
    7 Algeria Algires
    8. Tunisia Tunis
    9. Macedonia Skopje

    To remember countries with capital PESO: MAC-C-CPU(7 Countries)
    • M-Mexico,A-Argentina,C-Chile,C-Cuba,C-Columbia,P-Philippines,U-Uruguay
    Sr No. Country Capital
    1. Mexico Mexico City
    2. Argentina Buenos Aires
    3. Chile Santiago
    4. Cuba Havana
    5. Columbia Bogota
    6. Philippines Manila
    7. Uruguay Monevideo
      In this post,  You learned about the list of Country Capital and Currency in an easy way that will ask in many competitive exams like Banking, SSC and UPSC every year.
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