Social Welfare Schemes PSC Repeated Question And Answers
1. In which year the Government 1 of Kerala launched Kudumbashree?
Ans: 1998 May 17
2. Which Prime Minister of India Inaugurated the Kudumbashree project at Malappuram?
Ans: Atal Bihari Vajpayee
3. What is the ultimate goal of the Kudumbashree Programme?
Ans: Eradication of poverty
4. Which is the largest women empowering project in India?
Ans: Kudumbashree
5. The Kudumbashree project aimed to wipe out the absolute poverty in the State within _____ years?
Ans: 10 years
6. Which are the three critical components of the Kudumbashree project?
Ans: Micro credit, Entrepreneurship & Empowerment
7. Which empowerment project was formally registered as the 'State Poverty Eradication Mission (SPEM)'?
Ans: Kudumbashree
8. Who is the chairman of the governing body of Kudumbashree?
Ans: State Minister of LSG
9. Which are the grassroots of Kudumbashree project?
Ans: Neighbourhood Goups (NHGs)
10. Which is the ward level organ of the Kudumbasbree?
Ans: Area Development Society (ADS)
11. Which is the Grams Panchayat level organ of the Kudumbashree?
Ans: Community Development Society (CDS)
12. What is the name of Kudumbashree's destitute identification & rehabilitation project?
Ans: Ashraya
13. What is the name of entrepreneur groups formed under Kudumbashree for the municipal solid waste management?
Ans: Thelima
14. What is the name of the Children's Neighbourhood Groups?
Ans: Balasabhas
15. Which is the portal launched exclusively for women to participate in active discussions on various issues related to them?
Ans: SreeSakthi Portal
16. Which is the 24 hours working Gender Help Desk of Kudumbashree?
17. Which financial institution is actively supporting the Kudumbashree project?
18. The Ministry of Rural Development launched the National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) in which year?
Ans: June 2011
19. What is the flagship name of the National Rural Livelihoods Mission?
Ans: Aajeevika
20. Which is the main funding agency of the NRLM?
Ans: The World Bank
21. Which social welfare project aims at harnessing the innate capabilities of the poor & complements them with capacities to participate in the growing economy of the country?
22. Which programme is the restructured version of the Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)?
23. Universal social mobilization, financial inclusion & livelihoods enhancement are the three major pillars of _____?
24. Which Prime Minister of India launched the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in April 2005?
Ans: Mamnohan Singh
25. What is the full form of the cornminty health volunteers ASHA?
Ans: Accredited Social Health Activists
26. Who is the Chairman of the Mission Steering Group of NRHM?
Ans: Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare
27. In which financial year was the Pradhan Manthri Adharsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY) launched?
Ans: 2009-10
28. In which year was the National Food for Work Programme (NFFWP) launched?
Ans: 14 November 2004
29. Which programme was started by the Govt. of India with the objective of providing economic security to the rural women & to encourage the saving habit among them?
Ans: Mahila Samridhi Yojana (MSY)
30. In which year was the MSY project launched?
Ans: 2 October 1993
31. Under MSY programme, the rural woman of ______ years of above age can open their savings, account in the rural post office?
Ans: 18 Years
32. The Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) was launched in _____?
Ans: April 2005
33. Bharat Nirman is a time bound business plan for action in _____?
Ans: Rural Infrastructure
34. Which among the followings are; the objectives of BalikaE. Samridhi Yojana?
(i) Change negative family & community attitudes towards the girl child
(ii) Improve enrolment & retention of girl children in schools
(iii) To raise the age at marriage of girls
(iv) To assist the girl to undertake income generating activities
Ans: All the above
35. The Government of India launched the Balika Samridlul Yojana in which year?
Ans: 15 August 1997
36. Which Ministry has launched the health insurance scheme for BPL families namely Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY)?
Ans: Ministry of Labour &II Employment
37. Who pays the premium of the RSBY?
Ans: The Government
38. The Raslitilya Swasthya Bima Yojana provides cover for hospitalization expenses up to _____?
Ans: Rs.30,000/-
39. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana started rolling from ______?
Ans: 1 Apri1 2008
40. In which year was the Mid-day Meals programme implemented?
Ans: 2004
41. In the Mid-day Meals programme, who fully borne the cost of food grains?
Ans: Government of India
42. Which is the massive city modernisation scheme?
Ans: JnNURM (Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission)
43. What are the main objectives of the JnNURM scheme?
Ans: Improve the quality of life & infrastructure in the cities
44. In which year was the JnNURM officially inaugurated?
Ans: 3 December 2005
45. Which scheme aims at the 'urban slum dwellers living below the poverty line who do I not possess adequate shelter?
Ans: VAMBAY (Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana)
46. Where was the VAMBAY formally launched on 2nd December 2001? Ans: Hyderabad
47. Which scheme was launched by the Indian Government to create a hunger free India?
Ans: Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY)
48. In which year was the Antyodaya Anna Yojana launched?
Ans: 25th December 2000
49. Name the central scheme which aims to provide self employment to learned jobless youth & women?
Ans: Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana (PMRY)
50. In which year was the PMRY scheme launched?
Ans: 2nd October 1993