Banking Awareness Quiz - World Bank

Banking Awareness Quiz for today :-

world bank

Q1. World Bank was comes into existence on:
a) July, 1946
b) July, 1945
c) July, 1944
d) None of The Above

Q2. Headquarter of World Bank is situated at:
a) Washington D.C.
b) Jeneva
c) Luanda 
d) None of The Above

Q3. Member countries of 'World Bank' are:
a) 185
b) 187
c) 188
d) None of The Above

Q4. World Bank comprises of:
a) International Bank for Reconstructions and Development
b) International Development Association 
c) Both of The Above
d) None of The Above

Q5. Which among the following is also part of World Bank Group:
a) International Finance Corporation
b) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
c) International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
d) All of The Above
d) None of The Above

Q6. The main focus of IBRD and IDA is on ___________:
a) Developed Countries
b) Developing Countries 
c) Both of The Above
d) None of The Above

Q7. President of World Bank is:
a) Barack Obama 
b) Jim Yong Kim
c) Shinjo Chain
d) None of The Above

Q8. Jim Yong Kim appointed as the president of World Bank in:
a) 2012
b) 2014
c) 2015
d) None of The Above

Q9. Which among the following is correct about membership of 'World Bank':
a) 188 Countries (187 UN countries and Kosovo)
b) 188 Countries (187 UN countries and Monaco)
c) 188 Countries (187 UN countries and Vatican City)
d) None of The Above

Q10. World Bank Group get its formal existence on:
a) 27 September, 1945
b) 27 October, 1945
c) 27 December, 1945
d) None of The Above

Q11. The president is selected by the board of executive directors for  a ____year, renewable term:
a) 5 Year
b) 3 Year
c) 4 Year
d) None of The Above

Q12. The Executive Directors make up the 'Board of Directors' of the World Bank. They normally meet at least ______a week to oversee the bank's business, including approval of loans and guarantees, new policies, the administrative budget, country assistance strategies and borrowing and financial decisions:
a) Thrice
b) Twice
c) Once
d) None of The Above

Q13. The president of World Bank between (June 1946  - December 1946) was:
a) John J. McCloy 
b) Eugene Meyer
c) James Wolfensohn 
d) None of The Above

Q14. Basic Purpose of World Bank is:
a) Removal of Poverty from world
b) Provide Credit to Poor Countries and Developing Countries 
c) Both of The Above 
d) None of The Above

Q15. Which among the following is not member of World Bank Group:
a) Andorra 
b) Cuba 
c) Monaco 
d) Liechtenstein 
e) Nauru
f) North Korea 
g) All of The Above
h) None of The Above

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