A.P BADI PILUSTONDI programme schedule and day wise activities

        The directorate of School Education of A.P has suggested BADI PILUSTONDI programme.The suggested Badi pilustondi programme details,schedule and day wise activities are as follows.

Badi pilustondi programme scheduled from 15th June,2015 to 21st June,2015.To implement and monitor this BADI PILUSTONDI programme and day wise activities, Mandal level committee,District level committee and statelevel committee are formed.Following activities are suggested in this week.

Day wise activities and Schedule of the BADI PILUSTONDI programme

15th June,  2015  -  Commencement  of  Badi  Pilustondi  Programme

     On this day the entire information of Out of School children will be released. All  the  facilities  available  in  the  district  like  hostels,  Residential  Schools,  KGBV Schools,  NRSTC  etc., will  be  published  for the  benefit  of  Parents  and  Community at large. Thereafter, the identified Out of School Children will be formally joined in the School.

16th June, 2015 - Badi Ustavam

  1. Conduct  of  Grama  Sabha  in  all  the  villages  of  the  district  under  the chairmanship  of  Gram  Sarpanch.
  2. The  aim  of  Gramsabha  is  to  motivate  the parents to admit children back to school.
  3. Rallies of children & Teachers can be organised on this day.Folkdances,  Kalajathas  are  to  be  conducted  in  all  villages  to  cause  wide publicity of this programme.
  4. MEOs, Dy.E.Os., Headmasters, DEOs, MPDOs & MROs should make night halt in most backward and problematic villages in the Mandal.

17 th June, 2015 - Balika Ustavam

     KGBVs & Govt. Schools will be visited by Mandal level team.Girl children who are achieve, in spite of poverty, lack of facilities, should be honoured.

18th June, 2015 - A day for Children with Special Needs

     On  this  day  awareness  programme  will  be  conducted  to  all  parents  at "Bhavitha  Center"  and  explain  about  concepts  of  inclusive  education since It is observed that Children dropout because of Special problem like low vision, deaf & dumb, dyslexia etc.

19th June, 2015 - Conduct of Vidya Sadassu

  1. All SMCs will be invited to at mandal level for this Vidya Sadassu.
  2. All parents will  be  explained  about  facilities  provided  by  govt.  for  good  Education  like  i.e. Highly  qualified  teachers,  Free  text  books,  Two  pairs  of  uniforms,  Mid  day  meal, Good infrastructure in schools.
  3. The Office bearers will be provided with the list of out  of  School  Children  and  are  to  be  requested  to  involve  in  admission  of  out  of school children in schools.
  4. The  meeting  will  be  presided  by  MPP  &  ZPTC  will  be  the  guest  of  honour. 
  5. MEO will be convenor & conduct the workshop.

20th June 2015 (Student Day)

  1. Children  are  also  to  be  motivated  to  continue  studies  at  least  up  to  10th class. 
  2. In every school teacher should explain  about  Right  to  Education  (RTE)  to children  and  take  oath  from  children  at  least  to  complete  10th class  without break.
  3. Elocution/Debate/Essay  Writing  competitions  can  be  conducted  to  all children on the topic i will complete atleast 10th class & achieve higher goals.
  4. Certificates  will  be  given  to  best  performer  in  the  competition, 
  5. School grants  can  be  used  of  this  purpose. 
  6. Certificate  should  also  be  specially  given  to children who motivate dropouts to join back to school (Child to Child motivation).

21st JUNE 2015 (A Day with Community):

         All  parents,  teachers  and  children  will  eat  Midday  meals  together  in  the schools and discuss about improving the quality.
         At the end of week, it should be ensured that all Out of School Children are enrolled in school. Similarly, transition of children will be ensured from one class to next higher class to prevent drop-outs. The District Collector shall from team of Senior District Officers to follow up the BADI PILUSTONDI  programme  and  send  daily  report  of enrolled children and other day wise activities in the prescribed formats.
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