Syndicate PO Interview Experience - Hyderabad

Name-V.Sai Kiran (B.Tech (ECE))
Venue-Syndicate bank (Rural office), Hyderabad

As I have reached the centre at 1.30pm and I have asked the security guard regarding the reporting time of second batch and he said that still morning batch interviews are going on and it will take some time & he said to
report at 2.00pm and I was interacting with the parent of a student and he was an Andhra bank retired officer and It was an healthy conversation that I had with the uncle and at 2.50pm they allowed us inside & given a bio data form to fill &r the batch(20 people) has been divided (8 & 8 people)as 2 were absent & they said you(first 8) will have interview first & then GD & for the last 9 you will have GD & interview and document verification started and I was 5(among the first 8) and as our document verification was over(First batch GD was also over & topic was Issues & challenges of telangana state and they came out)and suddenly the plan was changed and we were also made to attend GD and  we 8 people went inside and they had given us instructions & 5min time to jot down our points on the given topic and the topic was: What are the rivers available in india,Interlinking of rivers is it good or bad for the country and I was the second to take on the GD & it was very cool & healthy discussion happened & I spoke for 5times adding some good points  and they were satisfied and 6 persons were for the topic & 2 were against it & finally one female candidate concluded & said it is good to interlink the rivers and the observers(3 members all were above 50yrs of age) added there points & supported us and said good for our batch performance.GD went from 4pm to 4.45pm & we were send to attend interview and the first batch interview was going on and my turn came at 6.40pm

As I entered the room at 6.40pm there were 5 people(4 Males & 1 female)followed a hierarchy of seniority from left to right(M1(CGM level),M2(DGM level),M3(GM),M4(AGM) & F1(young female officer)

M2: Introduce yourself
Me: Introduced well

M1: good you represented University level in sports
M1: Why you want to join banking
Me: Told confidently & included as my father is Customer assistant in SBI so he invite the values of banking to me

M2: Have you got any campus placements
Me: Yes but I refused it

M2: why you refused
Me: Explained with the interest of mine towards banking

M1: How will you open accounts of an IT people in Hi-tech city (IT hub of Hyderabad)
Me: Told confidently about my plan of action

M1: How will you do marketing of our bank product compared with private sector banks
Me: Explained well

M1: what are your strengths?
Me: Told

M1: What are your weaknesses?
Me: Told that I am little bit sensitive & soft hearted

M1: he said we need tough people like if customer scolds you & top management scolds you what you will you do
Me: I said I will bear it & take it in a positive way

M1: He was satisfied
Now M1 passed toM2
M2: Why banks keeps on changing Logo & Tagline, Is it necessary?
Me: Yes it’s a need of an hour to have Logo & tagline & told the benefits of it

M3: Will you relocate to any part of the country even it is Assam
Me: Yes I am flexible to work anywhere & it gives me global exposure

M4: Have you heard of NPA
Me: Yes & explained in detail

M4: How to manage NPA
Me: Told some points regarding Risk classification, Due-diligence in disbursement of loans but he was unsatisfied

F1: What are low interest deposits?
Me: Sorry mam I don’t know

F1: What are checkable deposits?
Me: Sorry mam I don’t know

F1: What are the functions of commercial banks?
Me: Said only one and I said I could not recollect more than one at this point of time

F1: She smiled & said no problem
F1: What are Negotiable instruments?
Me: Answered confidently

F1: Who is the 23rd governor of RBI?
Me: Mr.Raghuram rajan

M1 said we are done with your interview .you can leave & all the best for your career
M2 & M3 also said all the best & M4 was silently observing me & F1:smiled & wished me the same
Finally I said thank you to everyone & thank you mam and came out of the room slowly by closing the door

These all interview went within 15min.I was out of the interview room at 6.55pm
Wishing everybody all the best for the upcoming interviews and I hope that my interview experience may helpful to many people.

Thanks to +BankExamsToday  for making myself productive to achieve my goal. I have always been a silent Observer & follower of RD.

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